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MEM603 Engineering Strategy Report Sample

MEM603 Engineering Strategy Task Summary Critically review in 2,000 words (+/-10%) the engineering strategy (in relation to research and development (R&D), technology, innovation and intellectual property (IP) management) of an organisation known to you. Describe and critically assess how the company has integrated this strategy internally with other parts


MGT616 Global Management Case Study Sample

MGT616 Global Management Case Study Task Summary Research, analyse and develop a case report in 2500 words (+/- 10%) related to the responsibilities of directors of multinational companies with respect to business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in a nominated country. The case report needs to identify the responsibilities of directors in the no


MGMT20144 Business Case Analysis Sample

MGMT20144 Business Case Analysis Case Study Task Description 1. You must first select ONE of the following organisations as the subject of your business case – The Smith Family ( – The Australian Cricketers Association ( – Pecan Farmers


MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Case Study Sample

MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Context Australian businesses may wish to expand their operations and enter new markets in other countries. Making contracts is fundamental to business practice and this assessment allows students to reflect on the types of contracts a business may enter and to consider what the law relating to contracts is in the c


RSK80006 Risk Management Systems Case Study Sample

RSK80006 Risk Management Systems Task This case-study based Group Project has two components (10 points each). If possible workshop the process with your team, but as a minimum consults with them, on at least the vulnerability assessment. Both parts could be researched as covered in the lectures. You can find further details from the R2A text1.


MGT607 Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Case Study Sample

MGT607 Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship Context: Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship can come in many different forms and be successful for many reasons. As such, being able to recognise these will broaden your understanding and appreciation for the important role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society today. This assessment requires


MGT610 Organisational Best Practice Case Study Sample

MGT610 Organisational Best Practice Context In Assessment 1 you reviewed an organisation’s current strategy, analysed its performance using 4 benchmarks, reviewed its main competitors, the business environment in which it operates, and identified its main weakness. The organisation now has an opportunity to address that weakness, and as such, solutions mus


MBA652 Strategy and Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality Case Study Sample

MBA652 Strategy and Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality Your task Individually, you are required to write a 1200-word critical analysis based on a case study that focuses on the effects of burnout on tourism and hospitality employees. Assessment Description The purpose of


MBA402 Corporate Governance, Sustainability and Ethics Case Study Sample

MBA402 Corporate Governance, Sustainability and Ethics Your Task You are required to write a report to a corporate board summarising your views on corporate governance, sustainability and risk management practices. Assessment Description From Monday of Week 9 at 9 am, you wi


MGT610 Organisational Best Practice Case Study 3 Sample

MGT610 Organisational Best Practice Case Study 3 Context Strategy, benchmarking, best practice, and continuous improvement are constant concerns for any organisation. In an ever-changing business environment, this means that every initiative, successful or not, must be measured, reviewed, and reflected upon so that future threats and opportunities can be identif


MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Case Study 2 Sample

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Case Study 2 Context: In today’s workplaces, collaborative team-work is expected. Diversity in teams is a reality , but can lead to conflict and tensions, due to lack of intercultural intelligence, dominant personalities, or poor decisions due to passivity of members who may succumb to group- think (Janis, 1972), o


MGT610 Organisational Best Practice Case Study Sample

MGT610 Organisational Best Practice Context In Assessment 1 you reviewed an organisation’s current strategy, analysed its performance using 4 benchmarks, reviewed its main competitors, the business environment in which it operates, and identified its main weakness. The organisation now has an opportunity to address that weakness, and as such, solutions mus


BUMGT5920 Management in a Global Business Environment Case Study Sample

BUMGT 5920 Management in a Global Business Environment Assessment Description In groups of three, students are required to analyse THREE scenarios in which global business challenges and opportunities are raised. As a team, students need to apply the themes and theories from the course materials to respond to the scenarios with a focus on strategic approaches fo


Operational Management For KFC Sample

OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT FOR KFC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF For the purpose of this assignment, you are an operations management consultant for KFC (a fast-food restaurant) in the United Kingdom. You are to provide advice and guidance to members of the executive board who are looking at two options for their business in the UK. First option is to build a ‘drive


PPMP20011 Contract and Procurement Management Case Study Sample

PPMP20011 Contract and Procurement Management Part A - Written Assessment (Report) You need to submit a business report in Word format into Moodle in Week 7. You are to complete the following tasks using the case study provided on Moodle website (Refer Case Study document): • Critically analyse the case study and propose t


MGT604 Strategic Management Case Study PPT Sample

MGT604 Strategic Management  Assessment Task In pairs, you are required to: • Identify an organization that is currently facing strategic threats • Plan, film and submit a five-minute video presentation • Address these threats with specific reference to the course content.


Design Management Audit & Employee Engagement Plan Case Study Sample

Design Management Audit & Employee Engagement Plan Management – Case Study Case Scenario: • Sarah is the vice president of HR at ‘AccountingFast’, a midsize financial services  company. • AccountingFast is facing a major problem with employees’ satisf


MGT607 Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship Case Study 1 Sample

MGT607 Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship Context: Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship can come in many different forms and be successful for many reasons. As such, being able to recognise these will broaden your understanding and appreciation for the important role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society today. This assessment requires


MGT610 Organisational Best Practice Case Study 1 Part A Sample

MGT610 Organisational Best Practice Case Study 1 Part A Context Benchmarking is the process by which organisations measure themselves against their own performance and that of their competitors. This assessment task requires you to demonstrate your understanding of benchmarking by undertaking a benchmarking analysis of an organisation’s current strategy, a


MBA6002 Corporate Finance Assessment Case Study 2 Sample

MBA6002 Corporate Finance Assessment 2 Management – Case Study Assessment Overview For the assessment of MBA UNIT 6002, there are the three assessment tasks you have to fulfil in order to complete the MBA 6002 Unit. Details are given in Unit descriptor. Assessment will be done wi


Supply Chain Map Case Study 2 Sample

 Supply Chain map Case Study 2 Case Study Analysis Report will require students to explore a current phenomenon in business and examine it under a supply chain lens. In doing the analysis, students should answer the following questions (these can also be used as headings/subheadings): • What is the phenomenon? • How does it affect supply chain management and what features present particul


MBA6101 Business Information Systems Case Study Sample

MBA6101 Business Information Systems Objective(s) This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and writing a report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter. INSTRUCTIONS These instructions apply to Assignment 1, Case Studies & Pr


GEOG7111 Case Study 3 Sample

GEOG7111 Case Study 3 Assessment 3 Develop a class exercise plan for your GEOG7111 colleagues. This can be completed as a pair. Please confirm with your tutor if you intend to complete this assessment task in a pair The purposes of this assignment are: to provide an opportunity for you to think crea


MITS5001 IT Project Management Case Study 1 Sample

MITS5001 IT Project Management Case Study 1 Objective(s) This assessment relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to evaluate student’s ability to identify the key phases of projects and to successfully manage the projects by using various IT project management tools and techniques. The following ULOs are assessed in this assessment.


BUS2004 Human Resource Management Case Study 3 Sample

BUS2004 Human Resource Management Case Study 3 Assessment 3 Detail A Case study will be provided comprising answers to three or four case study analysis questions. The business report format is required for the individual assignment. The headings and subheadings are strongly recommended to structure the business report. The Harvard Referencing Style is required. For detailed requirement, please refer to the


Risk Management in Engineering (49006) Sample

Risk Management in Engineering (49006) Objectives: â–Ş Incorporate the values of culture and history of Indigenous communities in risk analysis studies and the development of risk management plans. â–Ş Identify stakeholders, boundaries and uncertainties in engineering projects and systems. Topics/Themes: â–Ş Domino effects: Domino effects are re


MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Case Study 2, 2nd Copy Sample

MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology. Ass 2, 2nd Copy Your task Individually, you must prepare a four-page written analysis based on the assessment instructions below. Assessment Description In this individual assessment, students will be given an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and ability to explain consumer behaviour determinants by analysing the role of perception,


MBA5008 Business Research Methods Case Study 3 Sample

MBA5008 Business Research Methods Assignment details Introduction The student will be asked to write a research-based project building on their annotated bibliography inAssessment Task 1, articulating a research problem / issue / question, discussing a thorough literature review,analysis and discussion of the various issues identified from the literature review, using different perspectives


MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Case Study 2 Sample

MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Case Study 2 Assessment Description Analyse a short Case Study document and prepare a short, written report. A thorough understanding of how a company’s Code of Ethics must be worded to effectively communicate behavioural expectations is an essential managerial competency. The L


MEE80003 Introduction to Industry Case Study Sample

MEE80003 Introduction to Industry Assignment Brief Write a Case Study Report analysing a company or business that is currently implementing or in development of implementing Industry 4.0 practices. You may pick any company; however, you are encouraged to select an Australian based one. The report should be written using the following structure. 1. Introduction


Business Research Proposal Assignment Sample

 This Research Proposal should BE A MAXIMUM OF 2,000 WORDS in length (if you write 2,001 words or more you will lose marks).  1. The word count required for this assignment does NOT include your reference list.  The word count starts from the first word of your literature review until the last word of the ethical issues section.  2. Please use the template in the following section when writing your research proposal.&nb


U24035 Customer Relationship Management Assignment Sample

Assessment Aim The role of assignment submission is to engage students for browsing the extant and modern literature readings, which revolves around subject developments in the recent era. It also refines students’ ability to understand the key issues related to subject; demonstrate the understanding of high-level of appropriate concepts, and comprehensive and critical analysis of central issues in the curren


MBA622 Comprehensive Healthcare Strategies Presentation Sample

MBA622 Comprehensive Healthcare Strategies Your Task Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute webinar that explores the impact of a single environmental (one) factor on the current and future strategies and operations of an organisation delivering services within the industry segment chosen for Assessment 1.


MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Assignment Sample

MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Context Doing business in another country will require an Australian company to ensure it complies with any relevant domestic laws in place in that country. In some cases, it may be difficult, to determine what the applicable law is i.e. a conflict a law may arise. It will be neces


MBA602 Small Business Administration Assignment Sample

MBA602 Small Business Administration Your task Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute video in which you are to reflect on whether you are more of a small businessperson or an entrepreneur considering your skill sets and your passions. You are then to research a small business owner you admire and analyse his/her significant business decisions in t


MGT502 Business Communication Assignment 3 Sample

MGT502 Business Communication Assignment-3 Assessment Task Prepare a 5-minute presentation identifying aspects of a topic given to you by the Learning Facilitator. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task. Context In this subject, the you hav


MBA5003 Assignment 1 CMR Sample

MBA 5003 Ass 1 CMR MBA 5003 Assignment One – Weeks 2 to 5 short question submission. Week 5 – to be submitted by 6PM Monday 31st October. You still work in operations management of a business which manufactures casual wear in Malaysia for people working from home. This is primarily sold on line and direct to staff c


OPS928 Logistics Systems Assignment Sample

OPS928 Logistics Systems Assignment Assignment Details This assessment task contains 2 sections. All sections must be completed.When answering questions, remember to define key terms and use examples where appropriate. You may use illustrations to help support your answer. It is important to demonstrate understanding and application of the relevant terms and concepts, and references are not expected. Section A: Case-Based Short Answer


MME80001 Resource Planning and Management Assignment 4 Sample

MME80001 RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Assignment 4 Question 1 Assume that you are responsible for planning and managing resources in a large organisation in a project-based industry. You are required to prepare basic guidelines for: (a) Equipment Control Matrix (ECM) and Equipment Management Process Maturity Model (EMPM) for a set of key equipment; (b) Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and obsolescence pre


BUS101 Business Communication Assignment Sample

BUS101 Business Communication Assignment Details This assignment aims to explore academic integrity in education and provide a concise statement on the topic backed byrecent and relevant research. Instructions to Students This assessment must be completed by each student. Each student will produce appropriate written (email) and visual (flyer) texts focus


MBIS5012 Strategic Information Systems Assignment Sample

MBIS5012 Strategic Information Systems In this assessment, you will work individually. The topics for this assessment will be covered in the previous weeks: therefore, it is vital that you attend this class. You are encouraged to attend a workshop on Referencing and Research What are the functionalities of CRM? What are the famous CRM tools?


MMW226465 International Management Governance and Sustainability Report

INSTRUCTIONS Description: This is an individual report with 70% module weight. Maximum word count: 2,000 (10%) excluding tables, graphs, charts, and references. Submission format: Microsoft Word document (PDF submission will be invalid). Submission pro


MGT501 Business Environment Report

Assignment Brief  Individual/Group Individual Length Up to 2,500 words Task Critically analyze stakeholder theory in a real-life business or a project setting, with specific emphasis on relevant internal and external environment factors. In doing so, you are required to employ a stakeholder matrix and mapping techni


MBA632 Knowledge Management Report Sample

Assignment Task Individually, you are required to analyse the core components of the Knowledge Management Systems and develop a suitable Knowledge Management Plan. You will need to apply learnings from the topics covered in weeks 1 and 3. Instructions This is an individual assessment. In which you are required to analyse an org


SPO101 Introduction to Sports Management Report Sample

Assignment Brief  Individual/Group Individual Length 1,500 words (+/- 10%) Context: Assessment Three follows on from the brief for a new ormodifiedsportthat you submitted in Assessment Two. Instructions: Develop the final form of the sport that you have invent


MGT604 Strategic Management Report Sample

Assessment Task Individually, you are required to: • Monitor news and online sources of opinion to identify three (3) separate strategic influences that together impact on the outcomes of an organisation of your choice • Discuss how the practice of strategy categorises these strategic influences and identify the implications for the organisation in question


Business Project Report

Overview When starting a new business, a business plan is an important tool to help guide your decisions. Think of it as a roadmap to success, providing greater clarity on all aspects of your business, from marketing and finance to operations and product/service details.While some owners may be tempted to jump directly into startup mode, writing a business plan is a crucial firs


MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Assignment Sample

Context: The purpose of all three assessments combined is to reflect on your own leadership journey, obtain feedback from your assigned partner and other trusted sources, evaluate your current leadership style, effectiveness and potential and then prepare a plan for your continued development as a leader. The three assessments are integrated pieces of work and you should draw on the first parts as you work on thi


MEM604 Engineering Management Capstone Report Sample

MEM604 Engineering Management Capstone  Context In Assessment 1, you developed a research project proposal that addressed, among others, the development of a project plan for your research culminating in a final research project. Assessment 2 required you to describe the progress that you achieved in your research, as well as reflecting on your research l


BUS2004 Human Resource Management Report Sample

Assessment Brief: This assessment is designed to assess your understanding of current human resource management issues faced by organisations and ability to propose recommendations to solve these problems. In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to effectively present the overview of this project, which will help in achieving ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, ULO4, and ULO5, this in turn will help you in achieving CLO1, CLO2, CLO5, CL


MGT502 Business Communication Report Sample

MGT502 Business Communication Assessment Task You are required to submit a Discussion Forum Report that includes: 1. A critique of a peer post from the Initial Assessment Discussion Forum and 2. A reflection summarizing your learnings. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how t


MGT501 Business Environment Report Sample

Assessment Task Critically analyse stakeholder theory in a real-life business or a project setting, with specific emphasis on relevant internal and external environment factors. In doing so, you are required to employ a stakeholder matrix and mapping techniques to determine the extent of stakeholder influence and interest. Context


MGT604 Assignment Report

Assessment Task Individually, you are required to: • Monitor news and online sources of opinion to identify three (3) separate strategic influences that together impact on the outcomes of an organization of your choice • Discuss how the practice of strategy categories these strategic influences and identify the    implications for the


MGT502 Assignment Report

Assessment Task Write a critical argument on the topic selected in Assessment 1 Part A Annotated Bibliography. Provide supporting evidence for the argument from the resources used in Assessment 1 Part A. Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task. Context This assessment has b


MGT604 Strategic Management Assignment 3

MGT604 Strategic Management Assignment 3 Assessment Task This is an individual assessment with a component of the work to be conducted in stakeholder groups allocated by the lecturer. In your stakeholder group, you are required to: • Meet, discuss and agree on three strategy options


COMP9035 ICT Management and Professional Standards

COMP9035 ICT Management and Professional Standards You are to provide the outline of a project in your technology area. This can be a real project you have worked on, a project that you’re aware of, or an imaginary project for a proposed engineered product in your area. • Give an introduction for your feasibility assessment. • Provide a cost estimate of your


MGT501 Business Environment Report

MGT501-Business Environment Report Assessment Task Through a 5-minute video presentation, this assessment requires you to conduct a Final Reflection on your learning experiences, and how they have evolved during the course of this subject. To achieve this task, you are required to revisit the Initial Reflection you completed for Assessment 1, where you examined


RSK 80006 Risk Management System Report

This case-study based Group Project has two components (10 points each). If possible workshop the process with your team, but as a minimum consults with them, on at least the vulnerability assessment. Both parts could be researched as covered in the lectures. You can find further details from the R2A text1. 1. Vulnerability Assessment Apply the Vulnerability Assessment techniq


MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Report

MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Report Sample Your Task Your task is to draft a Code of Ethics for the Australian Cereal Manufacturer Noumi Limited: formerly trades under the name Freedom Foods: ht


MGT60040 Management Analyses, Problem Solvingy Report

MGT60040 Management Analyses & Problem Solving Assessment Overview This individual assessment (1b) requires you to utilize the Four Frame Model to critically evaluate the organization's issues and propose an action plan to solve the problems. The final report should be 2,500 – 3000 words: • Analyze the selected i


MGT616 Global Management Report Sample

MGT616 Global Management Task Summary Research and analyse international management issues and develop a business report in 2500 words (counted from Background/Introduction section to Conclusion section only) which integrates and synthesises key concepts in this subject. These concepts include: • cultural intelligence


MGT604 Strategic Management Research Report Sample

MGT604 Strategic Management Research Report Sample 2 Assessment Task Individually, you are required to: • Monitor news and online sources of opinion to identify three (3) separate strategic   influences that together impact on the outcomes of an organisation of your choice


MBA643 Project Risk, Finance and Monitoring Report Sample

MBA643 Project Risk, Finance and Monitoring Report Your task Individually, you are required to write a summary report that will address the ethical consequences of the project based on the project from assessment 1. Assessment Description. In this individual assessment, stud


SHM608 Strategic Hotel Management Report Sample

SHM608 Strategic Hotel Management Report Task Instructions The contract of your hotel (on the HOTS software) with the property owner has now expired and you are attempting to make the case to secure a renewal of the contract for your services for the next two years based on your performance to date. Drawing on the situation you


MGMT20132 Management Report Sample

MGMT20132 Management Report Assessment Task and Criteria This assessment must be completed by students individually. This assessment builds on the novel value proposition developed for an existing business or organisation in assessment 1. Adjustments to the novel value proposition can be made based on assessment 1 reflection and feedback. The assessment is desig


MGT607 Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship Report Sample

MGT607 Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship Report Context: Self-awareness creates an opportunity for further development and personal success. This reflective analysis is designed for you to explore the subject’s content and importantly, identify how it relates to your own experiences and how you may use it in the future.


MBA503 Operations Management and Decision Making Models Report Sample

MBA503 Operations Management and Decision-Making Models Your task Individually, you are required to respond to the forum scenarios posted in weeks 7, 8 and 9 via MyKBS and prepare a 500 word written reflection. Assessment Description In this Individual assessment, students w


MBA622 Comprehensive Healthcare Strategies Report Sample

MBA622 Comprehensive Healthcare Strategies Your task Students are to write a 1500-word strategic proposal for an executive team of the chosen organisation whereby you are attempting to convince that team of what you believe they should be doing over the next five years in an effort to be more successful. Assessment Des


MBA652 Strategy and Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality Report Sample

MBA652 Strategy and Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality Your task Individually, you are required to prepare a 1500-word strategy proposal based on the assessment instructions below. Assessment Description The purpose of this individual assessment is to give students an opp


MGT613 Leadership for Sustainable Futures Report Sample

MGT613 Leadership for Sustainable Futures Context: Now that you have completed: • A literature review and brief research paper (assessment 1), • Collaborated with a consultancy team to develop a ‘green’ discussion paper and oral presentation for a pro


MGT600 Management, People and Teams Report Sample

MGT600 Management, People and Teams Assessment Task You are required to critically assess the performance of your team and recommend improvements based on the relevant concepts and frameworks you have learnt in this subject in a 1,500-word team evaluation report.  Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to co


MGMT20143 Business Model Deconstruction for Employment Hero Report Sample

MGMT20143 Business Model Deconstruction for Employment Hero Task description • You are required to prepare a business report that deconstructs the business model of a business and identifies the critical success factors that make the business sustainable. • Your report should demonstrate your critical thinking skills


BUMGT5920 Management in a Global Business Environment Report Sample

BUMGT 5920 Management in a Global Business Environment Assessment Task 1 – Reflective Journal – The Global Business Environment 1. Assessment Description In this course, students are required to consider the environment in which global businesses operates. This assessment task requires students to e


U24035 Customer Relationship Management Report Sample

U24035 Customer Relationship Management  Assessment Aim:  The role of report /essay submission is to engage students for browsing the extant and modern literature readings, which revolves around subject developments in the recent era. It also refine students’ ability to understand the key issues related to subject; demonstrate the understanding o


SPO101 Sports Management Report Sample 2

SPO101 Sports Management Report Context: Both Assessment 2 and 3 in this subject are connected in building towards the overall assessment goal – creating your own sport or modifying an existing sport. In Assessment 2 you will outline the future direction of your sport (Mission, Vision, Goals, SMART Objectives), the target market for the sport, the risks an


MGT605 Business Capstone Project Report Sample

MGT605 Business Capstone Project Context: This subject allows you to synthesise the knowledge and skills gained from all other MBA subjects studied up to this point. The main deliverable in the subject is a major project and, in this assessment, you will negotiate your proposed project idea with your Facilitator. To explain mor


MGMT20143 Business Model Development and Idea Generation Report Sample

MGMT20143 Business Model Development and Idea Generation Task Description • The objective of this assessment is to learn how to develop your own business idea, complemented by research and observational insights that detail why it is compelling. • You are required to submit a report of your idea including the business


MBA641 Strategic Project Management Report Sample

MBA641 Strategic Project Management Your task Individually, you are required to prepare a Statement of Work (SOW) based on your tender for the STH BNK by Beulah project that you have prepared in the first assessment. Assessment Description The purpose of this assessment is t


MGT605 Business Capstone Project Report 3 Sample

MGT605 Business Capstone Project Report 3 Context: Reflection provides the opportunity to detail what learning has occurred and the meaning you have gathered from various learning experiences. This practice helps to solidify new knowledge and prepare the brain for similar experiences in the future. Given you will be part of many projects in your career, this ass


MGT60040 Management Analyses and Problem Solving Sample

MGT60040 Management Analyses & Problem Solving Assessment Overview This individual assessment requires you to identify an organizational problem. The initial submission should be 600 words (with 10% margin) in length. Assessment Guideline • Background/history of the


MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Report Sample

MGT 601 Dynamic Leadership Your Task: Your task in Assessment 1 Part B is to reflect on your own leadership journey up until now. This will include; your current role or position, how you influence others, how you lead, contribute to or react to organisational and cultural changes and your current level of self- awareness and self- confidence to lead others


MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Report Sample

MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Assessment Task Your task in Assessment 1, Part A, is to reflect on your current level of emotional intelligence by completing the Genos Emotional Intelligence Report, analysing your results and preparing a brief report on your results and their implications for your development as a leader or influencer of people in your communities, s


MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Report Sample

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Report Sample Context: Fast changing workplaces call for greater flexibility in the ways individuals and work teams make and implement decisions. Alongside the increasing rate of change are the demands for better decision making through understanding and mitigating personal preferences and biases.


MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Report Sample

MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Report Your Task Individually, you are required to prepare a four-page written analysis based on the assessment instructions below. Assessment Description In this individual assessment, students will be given an opportunity


MBA501 Dynamic Strategy and Disruptive Innovation Report Sample

MBA501 Dynamic Strategy and Disruptive Innovation Your task You are required to explore the Australian company Dicker Data (ASX: DDR) and develop a stakeholder engagement plan. You must identify the business level strategy adopted by one of the business units/ product groups in the context of Porter’s Five Generic Strategy framework. You will analyse the c


PROJ6000 Principles of Project Management Report Sample 2

PROJ6000 Principles of Project Management Report Sample 2 Task Summary Critically read and interpret both the Project Management Lifecycle and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). Engage with other students by posting an initial 600-word discussion forum post and a 200-word critique that details your response to the question below (or the set questi


MBA642 Project Initiation, Planning and Execution Report Sample-2

MBA642 Project Initiation, Planning and Execution Report Sample-2 Your task Individually, you are required to prepare a 2000-word report in which you are to analyse the success and failure factors of a major Australian project by considering its ethical compromises. Assessment Description


MBA643 Project Risk, Finance and Monitoring Report Sample

MBA643 Project Risk, Finance, and Monitoring Report Sample 2  Your task You are required to participate in a group activity and to write a 1200-words justification statement based on the analysis and calculation you have completed in your group. Assessment Description T


MBA600 Capstone Strategy Report 2

MBA600 Capstone Strategy Report 2 Your task Using the same organisation from the first assessment, individually, you are required to write a 2000-word business report in which you must apply learnings from the capstone topics to the organisation by undertaking additional research. Assessment Description


MGMT20143 Business Model Deconstruction Report Sample

MGMT20143 Business Model Deconstruction Objective of Assessment 1 1. Develop, through independent research, an advanced and integrated understanding of the key concepts of innovation, business models, and new ventures in commercial, digital, service, and social contexts. 2. Critically analyse cases of disruptive innovation by a


MGT600 Management, People and Teams Report Sample

MGT600 Management, People and Teams Assessment Task You are required to critically assess the performance of your team and recommend improvements based on the relevant concepts and frameworks you have learnt in this subject in a 1,500-word team evaluation report. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete t


MGMT20132 Report Sample

MGMT20132 Report Assessment Task and Criteria This assessment must be completed by students individually. The assessment is designed for students to develop innovation insight and practices aimed at developing a novel value proposition for an existing business or organisation and aligned with the strategic trajectory of the business or organisation. The assessme


MGT501 Business Environment Report 3 Sample

MGT501 Business Environment Report 3 Context Self-reflection is a way of assessing yourself and understanding the reasons for your life experiences. It is about analysing what you do, why you do it as well as its future implications. Self-reflection also enhances self-awareness, which provides a solid basis for empathy and good leadership. Most importantly, it e


MGT604 Strategic Management Report 3 Sample

MGT604 Strategic Management Context The assessment of this subject supports students in developing their skills and knowledge in topics that include environmental assessment, problem diagnosis, strategy development, and cultural and ethical contexts. Stakeholder meetings are a critical element in strategic management. This assessment task provides experience and


MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Report 1 Sample

MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Your Task Individually, you are required to submit a 100-word validation step and prepare a 1200-word written analysis, in which you must critically analyse your recent purchase of a product or service based on the 5-step Consumer Decision-Making Process. Please note that you will need to use the same product or


MGT604 Stakeholder Meeting Simulation and White Paper Preliminary Outline Sample

MGT604 Strategic Management STAKEHOLDER MEETING SIMULATION AND WHITE PAPER PRELIMINARY OUTLINE  Assessment Task This is an individual assessment with a component of the work to be conducted in stakeholder groups allocated by the lecturer. In your stakeholder group, you


MGT600 Management, People and Teams Report 1 Sample

MGT600 Management, People and Teams Assessment Task This assessment requires you to explore and critically discuss the models, concepts, and theories presented in Modules 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1 and their practical application through your experiences and observations by contributing to a group discussion and then submitting an individual critical discussion report.


MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Report Sample

MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Your Task You are required to research recent news articles and other information about Uber Eats OR Domino’s. (Choose ONE company only.) Here are a couple of examples of recent news items describing some ethical issues for these companies and their industry:


MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams Report Sample

MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams Assessment Task You are required to critically assess the performance of your team and recommend improvements based on the relevant concepts and frameworks you have learnt in this subject in a 1,500-word team evaluation report. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


MGT607 Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship Report Sample

MGT607 Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship Context: Following on from the feedback given to you on your Business Concept Plan in Assessment 2, you are now required to pitch your final Business Case to investors or management for approval of your idea. In order to complete, a sound Business Case you need to ensure that you have covered all required aspects, which need t


PRJ5003 Project Constraint Management PPT Report Sample

PRJ5003 Project Constraint Management Assessment 3 Detail This assessment is designed to assess your technical skills in communicating project status effectively to different stakeholders. You are required to work individually, and you will be provided with a unique project scenario. You are required to prepare supporting documents, power point presentation slides that includes


MGT604 Strategic Management 2A Report Sample

MGT604 Strategic Management. Ass 2A Submission Instructions Assessment 2 Part A Preliminary White Paper is to be written according to academic writing guidelines and must be submitted in compliance with the following; 1. You should make significant references to the subject material and substantial wider reading. A minimum of f


MGT502 Business Communication 1A Report Sample

MGT502 Business Communication. Ass 1 A Assessment Task Select 10 resources on a topic related to communication and write a 1500-word annotated bibliography summarizing the central theme and scope of the resources. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task. Instructions


MGT60041 Leading Report Sample

MGT60041 Leading Report Introduction A key focus of this unit is developing your capacity for learning through reflection on your real-life leadership experiences in your Reflective Personal Diary. Your Reflective Personal Diary is a detailed record of some of your key experiences (we call them critical incidents) and of your reflections on those experien


MKG203 Digital Marketing Communications Report Sample

MKG203 Digital Marketing Communications Context: In this assessment, you will develop a ‘real life’ digital marketing communications (DMC) plan for an organisation. Imagine you are a DMC consultant for this organisation. You will choose an organisation and develop a plan for it, engaging concepts and strategies explored in the subject. The idea here


MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Report Sample

MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership The Assessment Task Students will create an individual video presentation that will explore and analyse an organisation’s work-place culture. The organisation can be in Australia or elsewhere but it must be currently in existence. The analysis is to be undertaken having regard to the Model of Organisationa


MGT60040 Management Analyses & Problem Solving Report 2 Sample

MGT60040 Management Analyses & Problem Solving. Ass 2 Assignment overview This unit has looked at gap analysis as a powerful technique to identify gaps between the present and future (desired) state of an organization and provide recommendations on how these gaps may be bridged. For this assignment, you will work in small teams of 3–4 to perform


MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Report 3 Sample

MBA402 Governance, Ethics and Sustainability. Ass 3 Your Task You will write a report to a company board summarizing your views on corporate governance, sustainability and risk management practices. Assessment Description From Monday of Week 9 at 9 am, you will have access t


MGMT20132 Innovation and Sustainable Business Development Report Sample

MGMT20132 Innovation and Sustainable Business Development Assessment Task and Criteria This assessment must be completed by students individually. The assessment is designed for students to develop innovation insight and practices aimed at developing a novel value proposition for an existing business or organisation and aligned with the strategic trajectory of t


MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams Report 3 Sample

MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams.  Ass-3 Assessment Task You are required to critically assess the performance of your team and recommend improvements based on the relevant concepts and frameworks you have learnt in this subject in a 1,500-word team evaluation report. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


MBA501 Dynamic Strategy and Disruptive Innovation Report 3 Sample

MBA501 Dynamic Strategy and Disruptive Innovation. Ass 3 Your task Individually, you are required to complete a comprehensive analysis of Dicker Data ( in the context of disruptive innovation (workshop 09), corporate entrepreneurship (workshop 10), and strategic leadership (workshop 11 and 12). Based on the analysis, you must develo


MEM602 Engineering Risk Management Report 2 Sample

MEM602 Engineering Risk Management. Ass 2 Task Summary  The case study provides an overview of one of the largest aviation projects undertaken. A number of attributes have been provided in the case study to give the reviewer (i.e., you as student) the opportunity to draw on material and construct a response that is relevant to the information provided (in t


MBA632 Knowledge Management Report 2 Sample

MBA632 Knowledge Management. Ass 2 Your Task Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute video, in which you must briefly discuss ethical breaches that arise in the absence of knowledge management systems and how these are alleviated in knowledge-rich environments. Assessment Description


MBA602 Small Business Administration Report 3 Sample

MBA602 Small Business Administration. Ass 3 Your task Create an operational plan for either your current business or business idea or a Small-to-Medium business that you are familiar with (e.g., one that you work for or you know the owner(s) personally). If you are using an external company, they must be based in Australia. If you cannot find a company to use as


MBA632 Knowledge Management Report 3 Sample

MBA632 Knowledge Management. Ass 3 Your Task Create an individual report that explores Knowledge Management and Information Technology in today’s organisations, focusing on the influence and impact of the contemporary landscape. Assessment Description This assessment w


PROJ6002 Project Planning and Budgeting Report 1 Sample

PROJ6002 Project Planning and Budgeting Report 1 Assessment Task Critically analyse the Assessment 1 question as outlined in the Case Study provided by the Learning Facilitator by end of Module 1. Then, respond to the question with a 500-word discussion forum post and a 250-word critique of another student's initial post. Please refer to the Instructions for det


PRJ5105 Project Integration and Change Management Report 2 Sample

PRJ5105 Project Integration and Change Management. Ass 2 Management – Research Report Assessment 2: Critical Analysis and Evaluation This assessment requires students to (a) review the most recent literature on integration and change management (b) critically evaluate the integrative nature of the Proje


PRJ5108 Project Delivery and Procurement Assignment 3 Sample

PRJ5108 Project Delivery and Procurement ASSESSMENT-3 Assessment 3: Case Studies - Scenario/Problem Solving Project In this assessment task, students critically analyse provided case study and project scenario supported by project management theories Assessment 3 Details: Fo


MGT501 Business Environment Report 2 Sample

MGT501 – Business Environment. Ass 2 Management – Report Assessment Task Critically analyse stakeholder theory in a real-life business or a project setting, with specific emphasis on relevant internal and external environment factors. In doing so, you are required to employ a stakeholder matrix and mapping technique


MBA673 Business Analytics Lifecycle Sample

MBA673 Business Analytics Lifecycle Management – Report Your Task Your task is to create a set of data visualisations to assist the Australian government with its decision-making. Maximum word count is 2500 words, although a good submission can have considerably fewer words. You are to submit your work via MyKBS, either a


PROJ6002 Project Planning and Budgeting Report 4 Sample

PROJ6002 Project Planning and Budgeting. Ass 4 Management – Report Assessment Task Devise project schedule and cost management plans that articulate the schedule and cost approaches for a project using the assigned project case study provided by your Learning Facilitator. Please refer to the Instructions for details on ho


MGT501 Business Environment Report 3 Sample

MGT501 Business Environment Report 3 Management – Report Assessment Task This assessment requires you to conduct a Final Reflection on your learning experiences, and how they have evolved during the course of this subject. To achieve this task, you are required to revisit the Initial Reflection you completed for Assessmen


MBA510 Data Relationship Modelling & Analysis Essay Report 4 Sample

MBA510 Data Relationship Modelling & Analysis. Ass 4 Management – Report/ Essay Your Task 1. Select one of the Graph CQL Workbooks. 2. Using this Workbook of graph database queries, write an online guide / instruction manual for a general (non-technical audience).


MGT502 Business Communication Report 1 Part A Sample

MGT502 Business Communication. Ass 1 Part A Management – Report Assessment Task Select 10 resources on a topic related to communication and write a 1500-word annotated bibliography summarizing the central theme and scope of the resources. Please refer to the Instructions for deta


Business Investigation Project Report 2 Sample

Business Investigation Project. Ass 2 Management – Report Introduction Business Analytics provides ample opportunities to make better decisions, improve private and public life, as well as the environment. However, such opportunities might cause significant ethical challenges. In effect, the extensive use of persona


MANM377 Cases in International Finance Report 2 Sample

MANM377 Cases in International Finance Case-2 Requirements The case report aims to evaluate your knowledge and skills related to international finance. You must choose one out of the three cases, analyse the case using relevant questions and submit a report. You must focus on the main question of your chosen case study and critically evaluate with/without th


MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Report 1 Sample

MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership. Ass 1 Management – Report The Assessment Task Students will complete a written analysis that will compare, contrast and analyse leadership in Australia to that from a selected country or region identified on the list provided.


PRJ5105 Project Integration and Change Management Report 3 Sample

PRJ5105 Project Integration and Change Management. Ass 3 Management – Report Assessment 3 Detail This task will give students an opportunity to practice the subject topics in a real project environment and demonstrate their competencies in using integration management methods. This assessment requires students to an


MBA6304 Hospitality Management Report 2 Sample

MBA6304 Hospitality Management. Ass 2 Management – Report Introduction This assessment is to be completed in team of minimum of 2 students and maximum 4 students. A group participation form, which is available in LMS, needs to be completed, signed by all group members and submitted till week 8. Once submitted, the t


MBA6301 Event Management Report Sample

MBA6301 Event Management Management – Report Assessment 3: Individual Project This is an Individual assessment. Each student is required to write a report on success of the event. Task It is important to critically evaluate


MBA5008 Business Research Methods Report 2 Sample

MBA5008 Business Research Methods. Ass 2 Management – Report Student Guidelines Introduction A research based annotated bibliography presented based on at least 10-12 research papers of interest to the research topic.


MBA5003 Managing Logistics and Technology Report 2 Sample



MBA601 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Report 3 Sample

MBA601 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship. Ass 3 Management – Report Your Task Individually, you are required to prepare a 2500-word new venture business plan that incorporates various aspects of a start-up to be presented to an angel investor or venture capitalist. Assess


MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Report 1 Sample

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Report 1 Sample Context: Fast changing workplaces call for greater flexibility in the ways individuals and work teams make and implement decisions. Alongside the increasing rate of change are the demands for better decision making through understanding and mitigating personal preferences and biases. This assessment has been designed to:


MCR006 Financial Management Report 2 Sample

MCR006 Financial Management. Ass 2 Management – Research report This assessment consists of one part a research-based topic. Part A 40 marks weight 20% Students will be required to research the topic relating to the concept of the definition and application of the CAPM (Capital A


PROJ6000 Principles of Project Management Report 2 Sample

PROJ6000: Principles of Project Management. Ass 2 Management – Report Task Summary Following group discussions, individually write a 1,200-word report that discusses the strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and contrasts of PMBoK and PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects.


Management Case Research and Analysis Report Sample

Management Case Research and Analysis Management – Research Report Purpose: This individual assessment will contribute 40% to your overall grade. Instructions: Food industry mainly consists of four distinct sectors: the farm


MBA5002 Managing Administration and Control Report 3 Sample

MBA5002 Managing Administration and Control. Ass 3 Management – Report Introduction This is the group assignment of 1500 words. Students will select a country from the AMEA region to compare with Australia. The group will document a matrix format corresponding to the law's salient aspects of contracts, employmen


Project Management Report 2 Sample

Project Management Report-2 Management –Report Task  Choose a renowned failed project from the List of Failed Projects file in the Week 6 section of the Course Moodle Page. Describe the selected project and analyse the losses incurred by the project. Examine the concrete rea


PROJ6002 Project Planning & Budgeting Report 2 Sample

PROJ6002 Project Planning & Budgeting Report 2 Management – Report Assessment Task In a group of 2 students, devise project scope and quality management plans that articulate the scope and quality approaches for the project in the assigned Case Study provided by your Learning Facilitator.


MBA5004 Managing Decision Making Process Report 2 Sample

MBA 5004 Managing Decision Making Process Report 2 Management – Report Task The organisational decisions you make in relation to this assessment must be made with regards to the following: 1. Reduction of Staff overhead by 30% 2. Increased sal


MBA5008 Business Research Methods Report 1 Sample

MBA5008 Business Research Methods Report 1 Assessment Details Introduction A research based annotated bibliography presented based on at least 10-12 research papers of interest to the research topic. What is an annotated bibliography?


MBA661 Gendered Workplace Environments Report 2 Sample

MBA661 Gendered Workplace Environments Report 2 Your Task 1. Conduct a comparative audit on the gender equality status of two ASX200 companies. 2. Students should report their findings and give a recommendation on which company is the most gender equal. 3. Students should discuss wheth


MBIS5020 Project Management Report 2 Sample

MBIS5020 Project Management Report 2 Alignment with Unit and Course Unit Learning Outcomes ULO1: Describe the Project Management landscape to compare and understand business organisations in broad fields. ULO2: Discuss the fundamentals and basic theory of Project Management and critically evaluate a range of applications


HI6008 Holmes Business Research Report Sample

HI6008 (Holmes) Business Research Report Purpose of the assessment The purpose of this assessment is to ensure a student who requires and qualifies for an approved SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT is able to document a mini-literature review and research design. Purpose: This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a research project mi


M31678 Renewable Energy Management Report Sample

 M31678 Renewable Energy Management Renewable Energy Potential and Viable Energy Solutions at various locations Your coursework assignment is to evaluate renewable energy potential at a specific geographic location and suggest renewable and alternative energy systems to be utilised at the said location. There are no right or wrong


PRJ5106 Research Methodology and Data Analysis Report 4 Sample

PRJ5106 Research Methodology and Data Analysis Report 4 Assessment 4: Research Proposal (Report) Construct a research proposal stating research methodology, data analysis strategy, ethical considerations. Assessment 4 Detail This assessment requires students to develop a final research proposal based on the previous three assessments which should also include research ethics and proposed time frame


MBA503 Operations Management and Decision Making Models Report Sample

MBA503 Operations Management and Decision Making Models Your task Individually, you are required to respond to the forum scenarios posted in weeks 7, 8 and 9 via MyKBS and prepare a 500 word written reflection. Assessment Description In this Individual assessment, students will be given an opportunity to explain operational strategies and demonstrate the skills needed to build effective supply and


Sustainable Management and Marketing Report Sample

Sustainable Management and Marketing Assignment Task 1B Week 5 submission (20%) – Submit the full annotation summary assignment Remember that, this report should: a) Demonstrate your ability to present a well written and well-structured report b) Be approximately 1,500 words(including references 250words X 5 annotation summaries)


Data Management Report Sample

Data Management Report Task- Individual Perform the following Task. Consider the recent data breaches experienced buys Optus, Medibank and QUT in recent months and write 300-500 words on the importance of data management. Consider the following in your discussion: • How should data be collected and stored? • What disclosure or disclaimers should be considered?


BE969 Research Methods in Management & Marketing Report Sample

BE969 Research Methods in Management & Marketing Coursework Two: 1500 words (maximum) This is an individual assignment in which you will apply the quantitative research methods concepts learnt during your lectures as well as apply your own understanding/research. Please follow the guidelines below to develop your answer:


SRM776 Introduction to Construction Management Report Sample

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS School of Architecture and Built Environment 1. This document is to be read in conjunction with the Unit Guide for this unit. 2. It is the responsibility of each student to confirm submission requirements, including dates, time, and format. 3. Extension or Special Consideration may be considered for a late s


Business Management Report Sample

Business Management Report Task Instructions I. Write an introduction on Vancouver City Savings Credit Union, commonly referred to as Vancity, a member-owned financial co-operative in Canada. – 1 page, double spaced, 12-pt font, APA style II. Students will explore the Vancouver City Savings Credit Union, commonly referred to as Vancity, including the impact of social, technical, economic, environmental


MBIS4008 Business Process Management Report 2B Sample

MBIS4008 Business Process Management Report 2B Assessment Description In this project, you will write a comprehensive report analysing the current As-Is of an organisation. You will evaluate the existing business processes and then using the concepts, BPM frameworks that you have learned in this unit you will design a To-Be business process model that addresses the main limitations and challenges of the previous scenario. There are many cases t


MGMT20143 Think Big (Business Model Generation) Report 1 Sample

MGMT 20143 Think Big (Business Model Generation) Report 1 This is an individual assessment. The organisation you are expected to analyse is Airtasker ( ). You are required to prepare a business report that deconstructs a business model of the assigned organization. Objective of Assessment 1 1. Develop, through independent research, an advanced and integrat


MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Report Sample

MGT601 Dynamic Leadership Report Assessment Task Context The Examination Committee recently met to review the assessment results and academic progress of all students. During the review process, it was identified that you had not achieved a final pass grade this study period. To enable you to make satisfactory progress in your subject and ultimately your


Corporate Strategy Report 2 Sample

Corporate Strategy Report 2 Assignment Details Format 1. Title Page. 2. Introduction. 3. Background of chosen firm (one firm from the list of six firms in the Assessment 1 PDF file). 4. Core Competencies (of chosen firm). 5. Resource Capabilities


CVE80010 Principles of sustainability Report 2 Sample

CVE80010 Principles of Sustainability Report 2 Your task is to write a report that examines the ways in which climate change is predicted to impact upon your home city. What you consider to be your home city should be the one closest to your heart – it is not necessary to be where you were born or have lived the longest. The basic changes that you must cover are changes in precipitation, sea level, humidity, win


SRQ762 Cost Planning Report 2 Sample

SRQ762 Cost Planning Report 2 PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to achieve the learning outcomes of this unit as stated in the unit guide and to assess the students’ performance in the following areas: • Analyse the influence of design decision-making on construction costs. • Prepare elemental cost plan


LB5230 Managing Strategic Resources and Operations Report 3 Sample

LB5230 Managing Strategic Resources and Operations Report 3 Assignment Details This assessment aims to apply the fundamental principles and practices of operations and supply chain management from all the sessions. Assuming the role of Strategy and Operations Manager, apply the tasks, tools and underlying principles of operations and supply chain management in the chosen manufacturing or service compa


SRM751 Principles of Building Information Modelling Report 2 Sample

SRM751 Principles of Building Information Modelling Report 2 PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT TASK 2 The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to apply your knowledge of information management systems in the construction industry, to provide a response to a real question. This assessment task addresses the following unit learning outcomes for this unit: U L02: Analyse t


HRMT20025 International HRM Report Sample

HRMT20025 International HRM Report Selecting an organisation – You are required to find a real Australian-based organisation that also operates in at least one other country. The choice of the organisation is entirely up to you. However, highly recommend selecting an organisation on which you can collect enough information to complete this assessment effectively. Avoid selecting organisations that have no


CA7013 Sustainability in Global Companies Report Sample

CA7013 Sustainability in Global Companies Assignment structure A critical review of the sustainability strategies of two companies as communicated by their sustainability or CSR reporting. This report will compare the levels of engagement in the sustainability challenges and evaluate resilience to potential or actual business risks. You are free to choose whichever


BSBINS603 Initiate and Lead Applied Research Report Sample

BSBINS603 Initiate and Lead Applied Research In this activity, you are required to present your research findings to the Operations Manager and the CEO of the organisation. In this task, you will act as the Research and Development Manager. The Assessor will play the role of the Operations Manager, and the role of the CEO will be allocated to another staff member/student.


SSUD71 Corporate Property and Asset Management Report Sample

SSUD71 Corporate Property and Asset Management Identify and discuss the nature and diverse impacts of major global trends on the management and use of corporate and institutional property assets. You may wish to consider the following aspects: • Adopt a PESTEL framework • Focus on the Australian market but using international comparators


SSUD71216 Corporate Property and Asset Management Report Sample

SSUD71216 Corporate Property and Asset Management Assignment Details Topic: Choose a company listed on the ASX (or other principal stock exchange) and with reference to their most recent annual report, from the perspective of a corporate property asset manager in 2024, identify and discuss the nature, impact and responses of CSR and ESG on the orga


HCCSSD104 Lifespan Development Report Sample

HCCSSD104 Lifespan Development Assessment Task Reflect on your journal entries to date and compare and contrast at least two of the methods of critical reflection that you have studied in Weeks 1 to 4. Explain why you chose these methods and identify the strengths of each method. If you have a preference of one over the others, explain why this is the case. Finally, you must explain how you have used


BUS5102 Supplier and Consumer Behaviour Report 1 Sample

BUS5102 Supplier and Consumer Behaviour Assessment Detail Assessment 1 is an exercise that demonstrates supply chain and consumer dynamics. This assessment in the form of a beer game developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) simulates the flow of material and information in the production and distribution of beer. This simulation focuses on the interconnecte


MBA6303 Sustainable Tourism Operations Report 3 Sample

MBA6303 Sustainable Tourism Operations Assignment Details Introduction This is a Group assessment. This assessment is to be completed in team of minimum of 2 students and maximum 4 students. A group participation form, which is available in LMS, needs to be completed, signed by all group members and submitted ti


DSMG29002 Leadership in Energy and Disaster Management Report Sample

DSMG29002 Leadership in Energy and Disaster Management Task Description In assessment task one, you will explore the literature on a topic (see scenario below) related to leadership and emergency and disaster management. In particular, you will identify and consolidate literature sources (part 1) and analyse these sources (part 2) to further your understanding of leadership in the emergency and disast


MBA401 People Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assignment

Assignment Brief  1,500 Words (+/-10%) Weighting: 30 % Students will complete an individual essay which will explore and analyse the leadership of a contemporary leader. Task  Students will research and analyse ONE contemporary leader drawn from a list provided by the MBA401


MBA401 Assignment Sample 2

MBA401 People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership  The Assessment Task Students will explore and analyse a contemporary leader of their choice, drawn from a list provided by the MBA401 workshop facilitator. Students may not use any other leader, apart from those shown on the list provided. Assessment Description


MBA600 Capstone Strategy Essay Sample

MBA600 Capstone: Strategy Essay Your Task Individually, you are required to reflect on the learnings gained from undertaking the capstone subject and assessments by writing a 2000 word reflective essay. Assessment Description. The purpose of this assessment is to foster students ability to coh


MGMT20144 Business Case Analysis Assignment Sample

MGMT20144 Business Case Analysis • 30% or 30 marks • This is a business case analysis essay that will be 1600 words +/- 10% • Cover page: The essay must include a cover page that contains your name, student ID number,  campus, assessment title, and lecturer/tutor. • Format: Word document with appropriate layout and use of headings/sub-headings. Times New Roman, 12 size


MGT604 Managing in a Global Context Essay Sample

MGT604 Managing in a Global Context Assessment instructions Based on the previously chosen research question, findings from the Annotated Bibliography (Assignment 2) and feedback from the lecturer, write a 2,500-word Research Essay. Drawing on additional research sources, formulate your own argument and give recommendation(s) to business organisations that operate across culture


MBA510 Instructional Manual and Reflection Essay Sample

MBA510 Instructional Manual and Reflection Your Task 1. Select one of the Graph CQL Workbooks. 2. Using this Workbook of graph database queries, write an online guide / instruction manual for a general (non-technical audience). 3. Reflect on your experiences in MBA510. Assessment Description


MANM013 International Trade Essay Sample

MANM013 International Trade Rationale: This module provides students with both a theoretical and practical understanding of International Trade. This is done through the assessment of International Trade from different angles, predominantly from the state’s perspective, the international trade regime perspective (the GATT and WTO) as well as from the persp


MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity Essay 1 Sample

MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity. Ass 1 Management – Essay Your Task Using the first two of Daniel Goleman’s (2020) Emotional Intelligence (EI) domains of self- awareness and self-management, students are to write an EI Self-Reflective Essay. Students are to use a variety of E


MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity Essay 1 Sample

MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity. Ass 1 Management – Essay Your Task Using the first two of Daniel Goleman’s (2020) Emotional Intelligence (EI) domains of self- awareness and self-management, students are to write an EI Self-Reflective Essay. Students are to use a variety of E


MBIS4008 Business Process Management Essay 1 Sample

MBIS4008 Business Process Management Essay 1 Management – Essay Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate Attributes Assessed ULO01: Interpret business process concepts, analytical frameworks, and applications in business. ULO02: Analyse the role of information technology in Business Process Mapping.


Management Essay Plan Sample

Essay Plan Assessment Description: This essay will be developed based on the plan from Assessment 1.3. In 1800 words, you will write an argumentative essay that applies two different sociological concepts to a particular topic. You will reference the different types of sociological research that have been undertaken on the topic, noting both established st


MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity Essay Sample

MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity Your Task Using the first two of Daniel Goleman’s (2020) Emotional Intelligence (EI) domains of self- awareness and self-management, students are to write an EI Self-Reflective Essay. Students are to use a variety of EI development tools and strategies provided during classes (Weeks 1-4) to assist in their reflections. Assessment Description


Ethics, Governance, and Sustainability in Business Essay Sample

Ethics, Governance, and Sustainability in Business Task Assessment of this module is based on a written essay of no more than 2000 words (excluding reference list) Answer the following question in an essay format. What are the main ethics, governance and sustainability issues that businesses need to address? What would be your recommendations for implementing sustainable


OPS908 Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation Sample

OPS908 Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation This will be a long-form essay. A list of topics about contemporary supply chain problems is available below. The essay will be marked using the following criteria. PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL THE BELOW MENTIONED CRITERIA ARE FOLLOWED 1. Issues are clearly identified 20%: The spec


EDU10002 Understanding Language and Literacy Essay 2 Sample

EDU10002 Understanding Language and Literacy Essay 2 Assignment details In this essay, you are required to address the following: Describe and discuss children’s oral language development using relevant theoretical perspectives and references to support your statements and discussion. A tip: When planning for the components of your essay, you can consider including


EDU10004 Theories of Teaching and Learning Essay 2 Sample

EDU10004 Theories of Teaching and Learning Essay 2 Assignment overview Assignment details The essay prompt Compare and describe how different processes of learning align with contemporary education theories and inform the work of teachers. The workflow


GAL613 Grief and Loss Supplementary Essay Sample

GAL613 Grief and Loss Supplementary Assessment Task Produce a 1600 word essay in which you discuss the grief of the Australian Indigenous people in the context of their grief for the land they have lost when Europeans occupied this continent. Context The invasion of the Australian continent by Europeans who believe that land can be owned and exploited has


Post Graduation Level Essay Sample

Post Graduation Level Essay Critique Essay Outline Template Please note: 1. You can write in complete sentences or bullet point form. Please make sure that your ideas are clearly laid out for your instructor if you are using point form. 2. Where necessary, use transitional words to connect ideas.


MBA401 People, Culture, and Contemporary Leadership Essay 3 Sample

MBA401 People, Culture, and Contemporary Leadership Essay 3 Assignment Details Assessment Type: Part A: In Class Activity (Week 11): 15% Part B: Reflective Essay: 25% Your Task Part A: The summative reflective assessment will evaluate students’ depth o


MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Sample

MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Context: Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with rapid advances in technology and means of communication with teams separated by distance and time. We need to take into Account not only time and space, but other elements of diversity to collaborate effectively for organisational outcomes. In such complex environm


MGT604 Managing in the Global Context Report Sample

MGT604 Managing in the Global Context Research Report Assessment Instructions To develop effective research skills in academia, it is vital that we understand how to summarise and paraphrase the work of other scholars and demonstrate an ability to draw out their main ideas and cite them accurately. The aim of this assessment is


MGT611/MGMT6015 International Business Strategy Research Sample

MGT611/MGMT6015 International Business Strategy  Context: This assessment focuses on the evaluation of opportunities and challenges for an ASX listed Australian businesses that intends to expand their business in a select emerging market. Your role is to advise the senior management team of your chosen organisation about potential opportunities and challeng


MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Research Sample

MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Context The focus of this subject is business law in an international context. Doing business internationally will mean exposure to a range of legal systems that are different from the Australian legal system. Parliamentary and courts structure will vary depending on what country business is being transacted with. T


MN7000 Leading and Developing People Research Paper 1 Sample

MN7000 Leading and Developing People Assignment Details This assessment encourages students to carry out independent applied research into a specified topic, theory or issue related to Leadership and Business organisations in the UK or around the world using a literature review and secondary research. The choice of topic should be applied to a specific organisation (or firm). The organisation should be real


LD9627 Developing Academic Skills for Business and Management Coursework Sample

LD9627 Developing Academic Skills for Business and Management Instructions on Assessment: Assessment One: 50% of overall module mark 1. Undertake a critical review of one of the journal articles cited below, justifying the criteria that you have selected to perform the review. The word limit is 1500 words. As a minimum you should critically analyse


M33117 Public Policies and Labour Markets Coursework Sample

M33117 PUBLIC POLICIES AND LABOUR MAKETS Assignment Details This coursework asks you to write two blog posts. The blog posts should be written in a professional style as if written by a researcher at a think-tank organization or public agency. Each blog article should be no more than 1,000 words excluding the title and references.


MANM389 Dissertation for Business Analytics Sample

MANM389 Dissertation for Business Analytics Structure Executive summary (1000 words; 10% of marks): Set out on its own immediately after the title page. This often takes the form of a series of summary statements, ordered under similar headings to those used within the Dissertation. These summarise the key information or findings. The Executive summary should be written for an intelligent layman.