Introduction To Health and Social Care Planning Report The purpose of this assessment is to apply planning concepts and complexity theory to analyse a real-life planning case study. Objective This assessment task addresses these subject learning objectives: A. Evaluate local circumstances and use evidence based health planning principles, frameworks and processes.
HST6337 Communicable Disease Report Instructions Step 1: Read the fictitious communicable disease outbreaks given below and select one that your outbreak response plan will be based on. Monkeypox The target audience for the outbreak response plan is a local Public Health Unit/Local Health Authorities. Your plan is for a local health autho
NURS3055 Evidence Based Nursing Practice Course objectives being assessed: CO4. Critically evaluate the skills required to incorporate research findings into nursing practice. CO5. Apply critical thinking skills and enquiry strategies to search databases and locate credible, clinically relevant research literature. CO6. Critique
UMH207 Understanding Mental Health Case Study Assessment Task In this 1800-word Report, respond to the challenges and issues in the case scenario. You are asked to research and find studies/research/journal articles/government and international health agency reports relating to the case study. These peer-reviewed articles will help you support your line of reasoning. In this report, you will describe
NUR2023 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Nursing Management Assignment Brief This assignment is based, similarly, on your workbook from NURS2020 – however please read the questions carefully. You will be provided with some time in class each week to work on these individually. Your tutor will be available to clarify any points or guide you with elements such as referencing (which is compulsory)
HLTENN057 Contribute To A Nursing Care of a Person with Diabetes Question 1 - Describe the role of the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM) and its four (4) strategic directions for achieving optimal health and well-being for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. The major purpose of CATSINaM, which was founded in 1998, is to symbolis
AHS205 The Australian Healthcare System within a Global Assessment Brief This assessment task requires you to research a health condition and analyse how the condition is managed in Australia compared to how it is managed in one other country. You will also investigate a related community initiative and the role of the nurse in that initiative. Please refer to the