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TCHR5003 Principles and Practices in Early Childhood Education Sample

TCHR5003 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Task Description Students are required to develop a professional response to the three (3) scenarios described below that have occurred in early childhood settings making reference to the unit materials, the National Quality Standard (ACECQA, 2020) and the EYLF (AGDE, 2022). Task Instructions Develop a professional response to each scen


EDU40002 Play and Environment Essay Sample

EDU40002 Play and Environment Essay Structure Introduction: Introduce the topic and discussion points and should be no more than 10% of the total word count. (200 words) Body: Outline the two different readings and identify the different philosophical and theoretical perspectives on the play they explore. You will then consider how


EDU20014 Social and Emotional Learning Essay 2 Sample

EDU20014 Assignment 2 Social and Emotional Learning Assignment overview There are many theories of social and emotional development and learning behaviour which underpin the classroom behavioural management strategies that you may choose to use when planning your classroom learning environment. This essay requires you to describe two of the theories you will apply in your approach to positive models o


GDECE101 Foundations of Early Childhood Education Essay 1 Sample

GDECE 101 Foundations of early childhood education Task description: Following the guidelines in the EYLF and the NQF, review a range of contemporary approaches to ECE in terms of working inclusively with carers/families and communities. Compare and contrast the recommended practices with some of the historical approaches examined in class. Refer to relevant theoretical understandings, curriculum models and pedagogical approaches. Crit


EDU30006 Families Community and Citizenship Case Study 2 Sample

EDU30006 Families, Community and Citizenship Scenario Background and context Boroondara Children's Learning Centre is licensed for 45 children from the age of birth to five years old (with ten children under the age of two). The centre is situated in a Melbourne suburb where 40% of the population are born overseas. Most of the households in the area are young families who are new to the area


EDU60052 Child Growth, Health and Wellbeing Report Sample

EDU60052 Child Growth, Health and Wellbeing Assignment Details For this assignment, the report you will complete must be based on the observable evidence of your focus child’s learning in the context of learning and teaching that happens in the daycare/kindergarten. In completing this report, you will first need to identify the learning and teaching issues and the child’s developmental characteristics that may have impacted the chil


ECE6009 Early Childhood Development Report Sample

ECE6009 Early Childhood Development Question and Analyse - Observation What do you understand about what you observed? What did you find interesting or extraordinary? What learning is being demonstrated? What can you extend on? Suggest few experiences. What are the interests and strengths of child/ren observed? Link the informat


TCHR3001 Early Childhood Matters Report 1 Sample

TCHR3001 Early Childhood Matters Assignment Details Rationale As an early childhood teacher your beliefs form the basis of your early childhood philosophy. How you implement this philosophy within your teaching practice will be influenced by a range of issues within your local community. Task Instruction


TCHR2003 Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood Education Report Sample

TCHR2003 Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood Education Task Description The purpose of this assignment is to develop deeper knowledge and understanding of how everyday objects, routines, and resources in the early childhood setting can be used to promote children’s learning and development across the key learning areas (Australian Curriculum- Foundation) with links to the EYLF and learning outcomes and NQS QA. It is als


GDECE106 Learning and Development Report Sample

GDECE106 Learning and Development Task Description: In terms of physical, social-emotional and cognitive development, identify aspects of learning and development of a child (You can have an example from your placement, your family or your social circles, but please respect the confidentiality of their identity, make them unidentifiable, using a pseudonym). Explain their milestones of development, spe