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ECE6009 Early Childhood Development Report Sample

ECE6009 Early Childhood Development

Question and Analyse - Observation

What do you understand about what you observed? What did you find interesting or extraordinary? What learning is being demonstrated?

What can you extend on? Suggest few experiences. What are the interests and strengths of child/ren observed?

Link the information to EYLF/VEYLDF learning outcomes.


Name of Experience:

Learning Intention/s to achieve by the end of experience (one or two):

For children to understand… For children to explore…For children to practice… etc

Strategies: What strategies you might use to promote children’s interest, play and learning? This might include interations, resources, intentional teaching. You might include some examples of modelling, scaffolding or open ended questions. How will you encourage children to learn from each other? How will the environment support play and learning? Remember to be specific and include the necessary materials, setting e.g., indoor/outdoor etc.

Act and Do (Implementation)

Implement your experience: Provide a step-by-step guide of how the learning experience will be implemented. Include any modifications made to your plan once the experience was implemented. Where there any emergent experience that arose? Give specific examples of children’s involvement.

What learning processes have you observed the children using (problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching, investigating…)?

Review and Reflect (Evaluation)

Review: With the learning aims and the EYLF/VEYLDF learning outcomes in mind, evaluate the learning and the planning. What worked well?

What can you improve? Do you need to repeat, refine or extend the plan? How will you follow up?

Reflect: What did you learn about yourself and your practice as a teacher. Any changes to your practice as a result?


Part 1

Collect Information

The experimental video of children dressing depicts the children's will-power and decision-making strategy. It is observed that the children at their 5 to 6 years age have quite nice dressing style, they had chosen to wear jackets and wore it perfectly. The dress is of their size, and somehow they could wear it perfectly. They tried every type of winter-wear to wear and not only jackets, they tried sweaters, beanie caps, and many more items. The beanie hat that one of the children wore had amazed him so much that he was imagining how the woolen parts of the beanie hat got kneaded! The children were mainly fond of different types of jackets which give them comfort at every level in the winter season and the jacket must be stylish. One child while trying to wear the jacket, put it upside down on her body and a few children demanded that the jacket zip be tied on (, 2015). They were trying to wear every attire differently to enhance their style. This shows that the children at this age can make their own decisions smartly and can choose the best things for themselves, but require some guidance sometimes.

Question and Analyze

What do you understand about what you observed?

While observing the children, it is understood that the children have a strong sense of identity and their decision-making power is appropriate. Sometimes they require help or guidance to pull the jacket zip or to wear the jacket or other attire correctly but most of the time they have a strong sense of their well-being (, 2015). When one of the children tried the jacket upside down while trying to put it on, she did not ask for help from any senior, rather she clumsily tried to wear the jacket in her way. One child was trying to wear a beanie hat and observing the kneaded part and found it similar to a certain pattern that his mother had kneaded.

What did you find interesting or extraordinary?

In observing the children, it is found that the children are very much determined by the connection and contribution that are making them with the world (, 2015). The interesting part is that when the children saw the jackets for them to try they were delighted to try each one of them and make the best choices and suits according to their personality. While trying on the jackets, they felt a strong sense of well-being and their decision-making regarding their stylish approach was identified.

What learning is being demonstrated?

It is demonstrated by the learning of effective communication and decision-making strategies of children aged between 5 to 6 years. In these stages, children become a little more mature and can make certain decisions regarding their effectiveness. They choose the best and with proper quality and quantity. Effective communication can be made with the senior agents who are present to assist the children if they face any difficulties (Patil et al., 2022). It is being demonstrated to support early childhood providers to enrich and extend children's growth, help children to make their best decisions, and help themselves when they fall into difficult situations.

What can you extend on?

In this regard, children's maturity and growth can be extended on a certain level and proven within the boundary of a child’s area or toddler's room. The boundary of not only clothes but also a few gaming equipment and food items like chocolates or toffees can be extended and placed in the room then it would be beneficial.

Suggest few experiences

While suggesting, it can be said that in the children’s room, there were fancy clothes, especially winter wear. If it consists of a few gaming items and food items then the children would be much more delighted and could open up their maturity and implement their decision-making strategy to choose the best items.

What are the interests and strengths of children observed?

The children are not that mature to wear the dresses properly but they have a strong sense of identity to showcase their maturity with connection and contribution to the adults. It is observed that the children have an interest in colorful items like jackets and other types of winter wear. They also have an interest in their self-personality and dressing style and how they must look to extract their inner charm. The strength of the children at the age of 5 to 6 years is the capability of doing something of their own will. When one girl child wears a jacket upside down while struggling with the zip of the jacket, she ultimately wears it properly. The adults present in the room, later on, praised that at least she tried it without the help of anyone. Their determination power is very strong though in this regard.

Part 2

Name of Experience

The name of the experience is such as putting on a winter jacket for children which suits those best for them. While observing different behaviors and attitudes of children were identified while they were trying on the jackets in the children's room.
Learning Intentions to achieve by the end of the experience

For children to understand

The children understood the size and perfection of their bodies while trying to wear those clothes (Baker et al., 2021). They also understand their capability of taking or leaving the proper attire which is suitable for them. Learning intentions are assisting the students with their needs, and determining their willpower.

For children to explore

In regards to it, the learning intention for children to explore is that children will gain confidence through their clothing choices by expressing themselves (Bhatia & Vaidya, 2020). The children will also learn how the winter wear can be influential to be judged according to their traditions and cultures.

For children to practice

The learning intention for MBA assignment expert for them is to improve and practice the communication skills they must possess with the elders. The children need to practice problem-solving skills as when one child cannot wear the jacket and control the zip, they eventually wear the jacket upside down. The elder praised her because she tried to wear it.


What strategies you might promote to children’s interest, playing, and learning? This might include interactions, resources, and intentional teaching. You might include some examples of modeling, scaffolding, or open-ended questions.

The strategies that are required in children’s interest in playing, learning, and interest in teaching can be employed with various strategies for interacting and engaging with the developmental needs of the children.

Children’s interest

While interacting with the children it is very much necessary to implement a sense of wonder and curiosity by encouraging children to ask questions that are being taught (Berenguer et al., 2020). The children thus ask several questions randomly relevant or irrelevant to the topics that they found suitable. The children feel about a certain task and ask open-ended questions from their curiosity while the interaction with their teachers becomes effective. Children's interest grows and they are satisfied with proper interactions with their teachers.


Children need proper resources like gaming equipment for the sake of outdoor needs or indoor needs to satisfy their needs to play games. They can enjoy their childhood days by having proper resources and gaming equipment (Vidal-Hall et al., 2020). Children will be equipped with games that help them to promote peer collaboration. This will also help them to understand the utilization of teamwork and provide more stimulating and memorable aspects.


Proper learning is also required parallel to playing with children as it demonstrates intentional teaching by the teachers (DeLuca et al., 2020). It creates a bond between the teacher to children and effective learning communication takes place. This can be done in a scaffolding nature where learning and teaching can be done in parallel with children so that they can grab everything quite easily.

How will you encourage children to learn from each other?

Children can be encouraged to learn from each other as peer collaboration is important for them. Thus it is very much required for them to have plenty of opportunities for interaction and play and interaction that is made among themselves (Nakawake & Kobayashi, 2022). Interacting and playing with each other are the most effective and important ways where children can learn about how to behave with other people.

How will the environment support play and learning? Remember to be specific and include necessary materials setting indoor and outdoor activities.

The environment will support playing and learning by enabling comfort, engagement, and opportunity for the children to benefit from the opportunity to choose their way of learning. Indoor activities such as playing indoor games and interacting with the parents or other close people of the children will be effective (Ferreira et al., 2020). On the other hand outdoor activities of going to play school or playing or learning in school with friends will also support playing and learning. This works when the setting embraces free flow and choice as the children intend to move between experiences and activities not simply from inside to outside.

Act and Do

Provide a step-by-step guide to how the learning experience will be implemented. Include any modifications in the plan.

Learning experiences will be implemented by:

â—Ź Creating a supportive and safe environment

The children require a clean and safe environment for them to work effectively and a proper approach must be applicable for them of a supportive nature.

â—Ź Embrace a growth mindset

A growth in the mindset must be embraced with the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through hard work.

â—Ź Focus on social and emotional development

Social development must be portrayed with an emotional attitude which is just as important as academic knowledge when it comes to lifelong success.

â—Ź Personalized learning

Every child is unique and special so they impose personalized learning which is best suitable for them. This will help them in their learning and development strategy for individual interests.

â—Ź Encourage play and exploration

Play is the cornerstone in learning and development thus in parallel to learning playing must be given a similar importance and must be done by children in parallel to their learning.

Were there any emergent experiences that arose? Give examples of children’s involvement.

While playing in groups one child gets hurt by climbing on some stairs or by running activities. This mostly occurs due to the involvement of many children at the same time. Due to their dashing and pushing a child might get hurt which is very common (Dalim et al., 2020). In an emergency case that occurs if any child gets hurt where the word might be critical, the children get hurt while playing in the playground. Then the teacher's responsibility is to take utmost care of the children immediately.

What learning processes have you observed the children using?

The children use the self-learning process and the power of implementing the practical knowledge aligning with the observation. The children immediately communicate with their peers or known persons when they face any difficulties while learning. The problem-solving learning process and decision-making strategy of them are observed quite efficiently.

Review and Reflect


Evaluate the learning and planning

The learning aims and EYLF process help to evaluate the learning of the dressing style of the children, self-respect, and doing anything as per their capability. Planning is to be levied by the process, where learning meets up with certain methods and approaches effectively.

What worked well?

The determination of the capability of every child and their personality in getting or selecting the best clothes worked well.

What can you improve?

The way of children’s attitude of selecting the best clothes for them can be improved by giving them other opportunities to select the best clothes for them.
Do you need to repeat, refine, or extend the plan?

No, I do not need to repeat, refine, or extend the plan. The plan is perfectly fine.

How will you follow up?

Follow-up can be done through the process of meeting, communicating with the children every day, and interacting with the behavior and attitude regarding the activity. Follow-up of the parents of the children regarding their behavior at home needs to be done by communicating with their parents.

Reflect: What did you learn about yourself and your practice as a teacher? Any changes to your practice as a result?

As a teacher, I think that I have learned about the practice made by the teacher that I need to walk into the classroom and prepare with a positive attitude. This will make me learn the importance of staying with something even when it is difficult. I hope I can bring these lessons to my students. I will also say that my practice as a teacher would be high-achieving and I must give comfort to my students in every aspect of their learning.

There are many changes as a practice as I could feel that I have become knowledgeable, positive, and energetic as a teacher. I also experienced an inner spark within me as a teacher, when I entered the classroom.


(, 2015) YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 09 March 2024).

Baker, C., Clayton, S., & Bragg, E. (2021). Educating for resilience: Parent and teacher perceptions of children’s emotional needs in response to climate change. Environmental Education Research, 27(5), 687-705. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

Berenguer, C., Baixauli, I., Gómez, S., Andrés, M. D. E. P., & De Stasio, S. (2020). Exploring the impact of augmented reality in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6143. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

Bhatia, H. S., & Vaidya, P. M. (2020). An association of imitation skills with language development in typically developing children versus children with autism spectrum disorder and developmental delay: An observational cross-sectional study. The Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 52(1), 19-23. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

Dalim, C. S. C., Sunar, M. S., Dey, A., & Billinghurst, M. (2020). Using augmented reality with speech input for non-native children's language learning. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 134, 44-64. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

DeLuca, C., Pyle, A., Valiquette, A., & LaPointe-McEwan, D. (2020). New directions for kindergarten education: Embedding assessment in play-based learning. The elementary school journal, 120(3), 455-479. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

Ferreira, M., Martinsone, B., & Talić, S. (2020). Promoting sustainable social-emotional learning at school through a relationship-centered learning environment, teaching methods, and formative assessment. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 22(1), 21-36. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

Nakawake, Y., & Kobayashi, Y. (2022). Negative observational learning might play a limited role in the cultural evolution of technology. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 970. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

Patil, A., Malhotra, N. K., & Maity, M. (2022). Observational learning: Influence of regulatory focus, knowledge, and summarized observable recommendations on consumer decision outcomes in an online environment. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 46(4), 1428-1450. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

Vidal-Hall, C., Flewitt, R., & Wyse, D. (2020). Early childhood practitioner beliefs about digital media: integrating technology into a child-centered classroom environment. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(2), 167-181. Retrieve from: [Retrieved on 09/03/2024]

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