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EDU20014 Social and Emotional Learning Essay 2 Sample

EDU20014 Assignment 2 Social and Emotional Learning

Assignment overview

There are many theories of social and emotional development and learning behaviour which underpin the classroom behavioural management strategies that you may choose to use when planning your classroom learning environment. This essay requires you to describe two of the theories you will apply in your approach to positive models of behaviour management and in the management of challenging behaviour. This assignment supports unit learning outcomes 3 and 5.

This assignment requires you to describe two of the theories you will apply in your approach to positive models of behaviour management. Please use the template provided, EDU20014 Assignment 2: Essay template (DOC 1.2 MB) (
( download_frd=1) , as a guide for this assessment. You will be assessed on the following: Knowledge, understanding and application of the theories of social and emotional development. Plan for learning environments that support positive models of behaviour management, student wellbeing and safety. Plan for the management of challenging behaviour. APA7 referencing format.



In this competitive era, classroom learning is important. Classroom learning can help a student to become confident, achieve goals and develop career. Thus, to create a positive learning environment, managing behaviours within the classroom is important. Educators, school, and university administrations play a significant role in creating a positive learning environment. They are also responsible for developing interpersonal relationships among students, teachers, and their peers. Therefore, many theorists across the world have developed classroom behaviour management theories. This essay for management assignment expert aims at exploring the impact of social and emotional developmental theories and learning behaviour in managing classroom.

Theory 1: Social and Emotional Development

Name and introduce one theory of social and emotional development (as above). Link your ideas to readings.
Psychosocial theory is chosen for the essay. This theory was proposed by Erickson. According to this theory, an individual covers eight different stages of development. They face unique challenge and resolution at these stages. These stages include Trust vs Mistrust, Autonomy vs shame, Initiative vs guilt, Industry vs inferiority, Identity vs role confusion, Intimacy vs isolation, generativity vs stagnation and Integrity vs despair.

Describe the chosen theory of social and emotional development (demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of this theory. Unpack theory features). Link your ideas to readings.

According to Erickson, our personality changes continuously and its should be nurtured continuously (Kaiser, 2020). Teachers in schools are also responsible for shaping behaviours of students by promoting expected behaviour (Queensland Government, 2024). This theory was developed by Erickson after observing various cultural, societal and environmental factors and their influence on our stages of development. This theory has gained popularity in recent times because it helps in promoting personal growth and well-being of an individual. Furthermore, according to theory, people who fail to develop any kind of social relationships might face hurdles and struggles. This can further have an impact on their productivity and sense of being.

Plan for how this theory of social and emotional development can be used to support positive models of behaviour management, student wellbeing and safety? Link your ideas to readings.

Erickson’s development theory can promote well-being and safety of student. When a student starts going to school, educators often help them to social emotional learning (SEL). This is the process that are often used by students to integrate their thoughts, emotions, and behaviour in order to accomplish tasks (Ferreira,, 2020). SEL is also responsible for promoting physical and mental wellbeing of students by enhancing their confidence. When students enter in the elementary phase, they often feel productive or discouraged. In such scenario, educators can promote practices like rewards and recognitions. This can include applauding students who have performed their tasks, well and congratulating them in front of their friends. Such gesture on behalf of educators can promote their mental well-being and students can enjoy a stress-free environment in the classroom. Moreover, during the stage of adolescence, safety can become a serious issue. This is the stage where students enjoy new experiences. With new experiences, new risks can also come. Gender-based violence, sexual harassment, bullying are few serious issues that can lead to safety concerns (UNICEF, 2024). Therefore, as responsible educators a safe environment must be created within the school. They should promote equality and positive behaviours towards friends within the school. Such teachings and learnings can help in reducing bullying and harassments in the school. Moreover, girls should be well-informed about concepts like “good touch” and “bad touch.” This can help them to become aware of sexual harassments. The 6th stage of the selected theory is known as stage of young adulthood. This is the stage where; personal relationships are developed. Educators or teachers within the classroom can promote open and transparent communication. When an individual openly communicates with their peers or classmates, they tend to develop solid interpersonal relationships. This is how Erickson’s theory can be used to support well-being within the classroom.

Plan for how this theory of social and emotional development can be used to support the management of challenging behaviour? Link your ideas to readings.

A classroom comprises of students from different cultural and family backgrounds. Presence of such diverse minds can sometime lead to challenging behaviour. There are students who often fail to communicate with their peers and teachers because of their shyness and anxiety. Such challenging behaviour can be overcome with the help of conversations between children and educators (Early Childhood, 2012). According to Erickson’s theory, the outcome of the first stage is hope. Educators can enhance strength of hope among students who feel isolated. Such strength of hope can be enhanced by helping them identify external and internal resources (Cross & Cross, 2017). This is how educators can help students overcome stress, anxiety, and loneliness within the classroom. Moreover, during the school age, educators also promote confidence. Educators should not only focus on engaging children into playful activities. They also emphasise on sharing experiences to enhance children’s thinking. This is how a child can become confident and can successfully overcome stress and anxiety.

Theory 2: Learning Behaviour

Sociocultural Theory

Name and introduce one theory of learning behaviour (as above). Link your ideas to readings.

Sociocultural theory of learning behaviour has been selected here for the study. This theory comprises of the fundamental idea about a learner’s environment playing a significant role in influencing his or her learning development (Castanelli, 2023). This learning theory emphasises on the connection of individuals with their environment. Under sociocultural viewpoint, humans cannot be considered as isolated entities rather they get widely affected by context because of being an integral part of the society (Castanelli, 2023). Thus, they cannot be separated from the society and this social world generates significant influence on their learning behaviour and process from the childhood.

Describe the chosen theory of learning behaviour (demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of this theory. Unpack theory features). Link your ideas to readings.

Sociocultural theory as provided by Vygotsky comprises of the belief that there exists a robust interrelationship between cultural and social experiences and learning (Nurfaidah, 2018). This idea puts emphasis on the fact that interactions amongst people can be used as an essential mechanism for learning and development in children. Here, the key assumption of the theory is that children acquire different intellectual skills through their interaction with adults and peers by engaging in various problem-solving environments (Nurfaidah, 2018). In this regard, children internalise help received from adults or other individuals and eventually use such skills for displaying their problem-solving behaviours. This indicates that interaction between individuals and their psychological processes depend extensively on a direct and explicit connection with the social and cultural environment (Nurfaidah, 2018). Thus, teachers, peers, adults and parents play a significant role in children’s learning and development with the assistance of forming a social bond. In this regard, Silalahi (2019) has also opined that cultural and social environment have emerged as the most significant factors affecting learning and development of children. This indicates that the presence of parents, teachers and peers is mandatory for learning and development of children in sociocultural theory. Based on sociocultural theorists, humans can be considered as creatures with unique communication ability and living lives within societies, groups and communities (Silalahi, 2019). This gives rise to sharing language use, social practices and tools and ways of thinking, which help in the learning and development of the individuals. However, while this theory considers children as subjects, it is applicable to all humans. Moreover, sociocultural theory helps in understanding how children’s world is shaped through their interaction with families, education, communities, socioeconomic status and culture (Silalahi, 2019). This develops their understanding through personal and social experiences, thereby contributing towards their learning process.

Plan for how this theory of learning behaviour can be used to support positive models of behaviour management, student wellbeing and safety? Link your ideas to readings.

Sociocultural theory helps in the creative process of students and children in the notions of dialogue, difference, affordance, position and perspective (Glăveanu, 2020). This creativity nature can be enhanced through interdependence of the children by enabling their sociocultural thinking. Sociocultural theory states how children interact with their peers, parents, teachers and other adults since their childhood days (Glăveanu, 2020). This social and collaborative interaction helps these children in exchanging ideas, thoughts and perspectives. Such differences of perspectives with their peers through interaction or collaboration can enhance creative potential of children, thereby contributing towards their wellbeing and safety. Exchanging positions and perspectives within and between individuals can also foster creative processes in social interactions, thus, benefiting student wellbeing (Glăveanu, 2020). Such exchanges often lead to different perspectives revealing unperceived affordances comprising of unique idea combinations. This further helps in guiding the growth and development of various creative perspectives of the students. Moreover, sociocultural also shows how students can use their cultural and social environment for gaining different perspectives and having new experiences that can contribute towards their learning and development (Glăveanu, 2020). This further enhances their collaborative and communication skills and improves behaviour as they learn to interact and adjust with their peers, teachers, and parents. Thus, this helps in enhancing their wellbeing and safety through proper behaviour management.

Plan for how this theory of learning behaviour can be used to support the management of challenging behaviour? Link your ideas to readings.

School bullying is an example of a challenging behaviour often exhibited amongst students and generating concerns for the victim. Sociocultural theory can help this bullying to be effectively examined for studying about students’ engagement in multiple cultural contexts such as schools, families or social groups (Maunder & Crafter, 2018). These groups often comprise of distinct social norms and conventions that have been established over time and members’ participation. This sociocultural theory helps in better understanding about such complex dynamic relationships amongst individuals resulting in bullying. Such detailed insights can make it easier for the teachers and parents to prevent bullying by teaching students about consequences of bullying (Maunder & Crafter, 2018). Thus, they can make use of social and cultural experience of the students for changing this challenging behaviour in any social groups or settings.


This essay help in focusing of two theories of Erickson Psychosocial Theory and Sociocultural Theory for better understanding about social and emotional development and learning behaviour of humans. These theories have been discussed for understanding how they can support student wellbeing and safety alongside managing any challenging behaviours.


Castanelli, D. (2023). Sociocultural learning theory and assessment for learning. Medical Education, 57(5), 382-384.

Cross & Cross, (2017). Maximizing potential: A school-based conception of psychosocial development. High Ability Studies, 28(1), 43-58.

Early Childhood, (2012). Sustained Shared thinking.

Ferreira, M., Martinsone, B., & Talić, S. (2020). Promoting sustainable social emotional learning at school through relationship-centered learning environment, teaching methods and formative assessment. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 22(1), 21-36. https://10.2478/jtes-2020-0003

Glăveanu, V. P. (2020). A sociocultural theory of creativity: Bridging the social, the material, and the psychological. Review of General psychology, 24(4), 335-354.

Kaiser, E. (2020). Violence on street children: Looking through erikson’s psychosocial development theory. Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 5(1), 45-52.

Maunder, R. E., & Crafter, S. (2018). School bullying from a sociocultural perspective. Aggression and violent behavior, 38, 13-20.

Nurfaidah, S. (2018). Vygotsky’s legacy on teaching and learning writing as social process. LANGKAWI: Journal of the Association for Arabic and English, 4(2), 149-156.

Queensland Government, (2024). Positive Behaviour for Learning in practice.

Silalahi, R. M. (2019). Understanding Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development for learning. Polyglot: Jurnal Ilmiah, 15(2), 169-186.

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