Following the guidelines in the EYLF and the NQF, review a range of contemporary approaches to ECE in terms of working inclusively with carers/families and communities. Compare and contrast the recommended practices with some of the historical approaches examined in class. Refer to relevant theoretical understandings, curriculum models and pedagogical approaches.
• Appraise 2 – 3 approaches to ECE in terms of working inclusively with carers/families and communities.
• Briefly compare each approach with historical practices.
• Provide specific examples of practice for each approach discussed.
• Appraisal should include critical reflection on each approach, noting limitations, challenges and/or affordances in contemporary practice.
• Essay should include a brief introduction and conclusion.
Word count: 2000 +/- 10% (excluding references)
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Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.
Referencing: APA7 (please refer to this guide for referencing guidelines)
The assessment provides information related to the current approaches and historical approaches of an educational group named Early Childhood Educators in providing education to young individuals. The report is categorised into distinctive parts, of which the first part provides the approaches of ECE in terms of working inclusively with carers, families and communities. In this section, the major approaches identified are training programs, collaboration and partnerships and strength based practices. On proceeding with the assessment, the second section provides comparison of each of the identified approaches with historically implemented practices. Further, the third section of the assessment provides relevant examples of the identified approaches of training programs, partnerships and collaborations and strength based practices. Lastly, a critical reflection of the identified approaches are drawn with a discussion of their limitations and challenges along with solutions for mitigation.
The approaches related to early childhood education and give higher significance to inclusivity with families and community is significant to maintain holistic child development, create a positive and supportive environment for child learning. The approaches to enhance the efficiency of early childhood education are as follows:
It is essential to invest in the developing capacity of ECE educators so that they are capable of providing inclusive education from the early years (Bellour et al., 2017). Even when there is a decent amount of significance that is given on training, the requirements of the diversified learners that get into the education system are not accounted for.
It is essential that the ECE curriculum is multifaceted, multi-level, flexible and inquiry based. It should be capable of responding to the requirements of diversified students,work in collaboration with their families and be modifiable for MBA assignment expert
Adopting a family centred approach for care is a significant part to enhance the efficiency of ECE (Movahedazarhouligh & Banerjee, 2020). It would support in building a collaborative approach between the professionals and families and would enable the development of an inclusive community that works together. Sensitising the care given to parents on early support and care while partnering them for ECE can help in increasing the strength of communication between the farmer and ECE educators. It would make sure that the community members and parents are invested and feel as an integral part of the learning and development journey of their child.
The strength based practices in ECE would give significance on the identification and utilisation of the assets and strengths within community and families (Haslip & Gullo, 2018). Instead of fogging entirely on barriers and deficit, this strategy would give importance to the positive attributes, resources and skills which the families bring to the educational scenario. It would promote the strength based mind set in which the families and teachers work in collaboration to build on the current capabilities while supporting the growth of each other. This strategy would improve the resilience and self esteem of the children and also create a positive sense of belonging within the ECE scenario.
All these approaches are in alignment with the core principles of Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the National Quality Standards (NQS). By utilising these approaches, the easy programs can develop culturally responsive and inclusive environments which can help the overall development of a child.
This approach to early childhood education gives significance towards inclusivity by including families and community in all the procedures of education. This approach helps in the facilitation of collaboration and mutual respect amongst the parents, educators and community members. This strategy would motivate parents to get involved in supporting and understanding the learning journey of their children through participation and observation. The community partnerships are also highly valued as they would give good experience and resources which can complement the activities of the classroom. By embracing all these collaborative partnerships, this approach would be beneficial in the development of a positive and supportive environment which can improve the development of children.
The comparison of current approaches of ECE with the historical and traditional practices is significant as it would give valuable information regarding the gradual change and evolution of pedagogical initiative and their influence on family involvement, engagement of community and inclusivity.
Training of early childhood educators on inclusive learning
● Current approach: A lot of significance has to be given on training the ECE educated regarding the teaching practices and inclusive learning (Ackah-Jnr, 2020). It includes the development of reflexibility which enhances the responsiveness and adaptability of the teachers for diversified requirements of the learners. Educators are now trained to develop inclusive environments right from the early years while giving acknowledgement to the background and abilities of children.
● Historical perspective: ECE training entirely focused on utilising the standardised methods of teaching instead of inclusivity. There was less amount of training given to the teachers particularly for addressing the diversified requirements of children and there was lack of awareness. The teachers followed rigid schedules structures which did not focus on catering to the individual differences of children.
Multifaceted and family centred curriculum
● Current approach: The modern curriculum of ECE is now gradually becoming multifaceted, flexible and enquiry based. They aim to respond efficiently to the diversified requirements of students, work in collaboration with the families and enable modifications on the basis of individual learning requirements and styles.
● Historical perspective: The traditional curriculum of ECE followed a more general approach that fits in every scenario (Greaves & Bahous, 2021). The historical initiatives were also less adaptable and flexible with restricted significance on collaboration with the families or any kind of customisation on the basis of diversity among students.
● Current approach: There is a strong drive to push for family centred care in ECE now. This includes making partnerships and working together with the parents, community members and care give us to develop a collaborative approach for the development of children. Informing parents regarding the significance of early support and care while including them in a transparent manner in the initiative of ECE helps in the development of better communication and a sense of ownership.
● Historical perspective: The inclusion of community members and parents in ECE was not relevant (Grethe Sønsthagen, 2020). There was a top down approach in which all the teachers made the decisions regarding children without having any feedback from community members or families.
Strength based practices
● Current approach: The modern initiatives of ECE gives significance on the strength based approaches while emphasising on the use and identification of the acids and strength within communities and families (Purola and Kuusisto, 2021). This is in contrast with the traditional practices that give significance on addressing the weaknesses and identifying all the deficits.
● Historical perspective: The traditional practices of ECE were more focused on the deficit and looked majorly at the weaknesses of the children instead of giving any importance to their positive side. The change towards the strength based initiative early shows a deeper understanding of holistic child development along with the significance of building on the contemporary capabilities.
The Montessori approach
● Current approach: The Montessori approach for early childhood education gives significance to child led learning, preparing the environment which can focus on self discovery and independence. It gives a lot of value to collaboration between community and educators.
● Historical perspective: The ECE generally followed an approach centred around teachers with a standardised curriculum which restricted the involvement of parents and gave no significance to community partnerships.
In the past, the teachers were given the training to follow a set curriculum while giving less importance on adapting to the diversified requirements of students. On the other hand the current training includes the importance of reflexibility, personalised training and inclusivity as well. The traditional curriculum was standardised and very rigid, whereas the current curriculum is highly responsive and flexible to the individual ways of learning. The historical initiatives did not include the community and family members in any initiative whereas the modern approaches give more significance to collaboration and partnerships with these individuals.
Training of early childhood educators on inclusive learning, teaching and building re-flexibility
● Online Conversations
The curriculum of ECE included online conversation to provide communication to educators in accordance with their flexibility and multi level approach (Li & Ruppar, 2021). For example, online conversation between the learners and trainers is an essential investment point of the brand is to build inclusivity and diversification of languages to the learners and educators in utilisation.
● Interviews
The Early Child Education provides Pre recorded interviews of experts to their learners to visualise the procedure in detail with live panel discussions. For example, Interviews of the trainers and educators can help the learners to review live interview sessions. This has provided benefits in higher concentration levels in learners and provides reviews in accordance to their relevant peers.
● Conferences
Conferences and meetings are being offered by the Early Child Education to ensure active participation and engagement between the learners.For instance, encouraging students to participate in dedicated inclusive conferences for enhancing their inclusive practices by following workshops and tailored seminars.
● Family meetings
Effective engagement of families in the education process of learners ensures the follow up and review procedure for their education (Fernandes, Jardim & Lopes, 2021).
It can be said that creation of an environment where family meetings can be held provides the learners with adequate support and trust regarding their reflective practice in gaining knowledge.
● Family Involvement in the Program
The trainers in ECE involve Family in programs to increase the support, trust factors and strengthen consumer relationship bonds. As the involvement of family increases engagement, it also provides a sense of community to the learners. For example involving in regular workshops.
● Social Events
Promotional and social events provide the learners to be proactive and involved in activities which provide enjoyment. This encourages students to achieve further milestones and get involved in cultural celebrations of success (Kevin Ramseur et al., 2019). For example, rewards and recognition to learners for certain achievements.
● Collaborative Professional Development
Collaborative approaches towards caregivers, parents and community members with learners provides reflective evaluation of educational gain of the student (Babies, Care, Welfare & Fellowship, 2022). For instance, learners can get shared opportunities from partnerships and collaborations with distinctive community people and caregivers.
● Sharing Resources
Sharing of Resources by Early Child Education group provides precise utilisation of resources in providing diverse and inclusive education to the students. For example, establishment of online resource repositories can ensure that students can get access to adequate learning materials.
Strength based practices
● Strength Identification
For providing relevant examples, in strength based practices, the company can offer evaluations and self assessments to the learners for recognising the parts of strength and weaknesses for the students as well as the respective associated training, This will ensure the learner to identify areas of growth and areas of development.
● Strength Based Learning and Development Programs
Strength based learning and developmental programs should be provided to individuals of the ECE group to ensure accurate development in perspective and learning based on the areas of strength. For example, this can be achieved by holistic assessments and responsive practices.
The Montessori approach
● Play School Education
One of the common examples of the Montessori approach is play school education which provides early childhood education in a very effective and engaging manner. Introduction of the child to play school also engages their parents and allows them to effectively enhance the physical activity levels of the child as well as their instinct of understanding Complex activities which educate them even in an efficient manner.
Training of early childhood educators on inclusive learning, teaching and building reflexibility
● Limitations and Challenges
One of the major challenges in training of ECE on inclusive learning, teaching and building of reflexivity is its limited access to the training resources for the learners. It can be said that professional development can provide a barrier to the learning outcomes and procedures due to the limited access of resources for the students (Caena & Redecker, 2019). It has been also found that Educators may face contrasts regarding time and heavier workloads in accessing educational needs of the learners. Another major challenge that can be faced by ECE is their diverse background of learners in their group. It can be said that diversification provides a beneficial aspect to education but also offers challenges in fulfilment of distinctive needs due to difference in viewpoints, perspectives and cultural backgrounds.
● Solutions in Mitigating Challenges
The group can offer flexible training programs to the learners so that there can be no time constraints and the workload can be distributed in teams. Further, offering of online libraries, workshops and courses can provide the learners to have access to more available resources and enrol in practical courses. Collaboration and Individual development initiatives can mitigate challenges related to diverse backgrounds of learners.
Partnering with caregivers, parents and community members
● Limitations and Challenges
One of the major challenges that can occur in partnering with caregivers, parents and community members is accuracy towards communication. It can be observed that technological limitations and language can be a barrier in offering effective communication and collaborative approaches towards learners and educators. Further, another limitation that can be identified is lack of trust and development of cultural and socioeconomic differences between groups (Vadivelan, Sekar, Sruthi & Gopichandran, 2020). It can be said that conferences and partnerships help in growth and network expansion but it can be said that due to the presence of differences in social and economic factors, challenges regarding negative experiences of mistrust and different traditional backgrounds may be seen.
● Solutions in Mitigating Challenges
Promotion of Cultural competence and relevant programs will help in mitigating challenges regarding the factors of social and economic instability in partnering with caregivers and community. Further, trust of individuals and families can be attained with providing an inclusive environment, value and fostering open communication. Lastly, communication barriers can be mitigated by non verbal communication and written communicating platforms.
● Limitations and Challenges
One of the major limitations to strength related practices in avoidance of potential challenges in future. It can be said that strength related practices are focused on the growth areas of the learner, it can be said that minimising challenges can be overlooked at times. Further, identification of strengths and balancing of approaches can be a major challenge for the learners providing the students to face negative belief systems and experiences.
● Solutions in Mitigating Challenges
Conduction of Holistic approaches can be maintained by the ECE group in providing individuals with understanding of different perspectives and identification of potential risks. Further, practices of continuous reflection can be provided in order to receive self evaluation and recognition of parts of strength and weaknesses. Balancing approaches can be done with responsive practices of culture and collaborative initiatives.
● Limitations and Challenges
One of the challenges that the children face in Play School Education and Montessori approach is that of collaboration. Some children are not able to effectively collaborate which creates a problem and barrier in their early childhood education.
● Solutions in Mitigating Challenges
For the purpose of mitigating the following challenge there must be effective team play sessions where children will be given to collaborate as well as play with each other in this way there will be high engagement and collaboration while early childhood education.
The evaluation offers information on present techniques used by Early Childhood Educators, a professional organisation, to educate young people. The study is divided into separate sections, the first of which offers the ECE's inclusive working methods with families, communities, and caregivers. The main strategies mentioned in this section include strength-based methods, partnerships and collaboration, and training initiatives. As the assessment moves further, a comparison between each of the identified approaches and previously used practices is given in the second part. Additionally, pertinent examples of the identified approaches are provided in the third section of the assessment. Lastly, a critical reflection of the identified approaches are drawn with a discussion of their limitations and challenges along with solutions for mitigation.
Ackah-Jnr, F. R. (2020). The Teacher Should Be Learning: In-Service Professional Development and Learning of Teachers Implementing Inclusive Education in Early Childhood Education Settings. International Journal of Whole Schooling, 16(2), 93-121.
Babies, S., Care, C., Welfare, C., & Fellowship, Z. T. T. (2020). A relationship-based approach to professional development in the early childhood educational setting: The role of relationships in collaboration and implementation. DOI:
Bellour, F., Bartolo, P. A., & Kyriazopoulou, M. (2017). Inclusive early childhood education: Literature review.
Caena, F., & Redecker, C. (2019). Aligning teacher competence frameworks to 21st century challenges: The case for the European Digital Competence Framework for Educators (Digcompedu). European journal of education, 54(3), 356-369. DOI:
Fernandes, P. R. D. S., Jardim, J., & Lopes, M. C. D. S. (2021). The soft skills of special education teachers: Evidence from the literature. Education Sciences, 11(3), 125. DOI:
Greaves, M., & Bahous, R. (2021). Adapting to change; Exploring early childhood educators’ perceptions of a child-centered curriculum. Early Childhood Education Journal, 49, 581-592.
Grethe Sønsthagen, A. (2020). Early childcare as arenas of inclusion: The contribution of staff to recognising parents with refugee backgrounds as significant stakeholders. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(3), 304-318.
Haslip, M. J., & Gullo, D. F. (2018). The changing landscape of early childhood education: Implications for policy and practice. Early Childhood Education Journal, 46, 249-264.
Kevin Ramseur, I. I., de Vries, P. J., Guler, J., Shabalala, N., Seris, N., & Franz, L. (2019). Caregiver descriptions of joint activity routines with young children with autism spectrum disorder in South Africa. Pediatric medicine (Hong Kong, China), 2. DOI:
Li, L., & Ruppar, A. (2021). Conceptualizing teacher agency for inclusive education: A systematic and international review. Teacher Education and Special Education, 44(1), 42-59. DOI:
Movahedazarhouligh, S., & Banerjee, R. (2020). Leadership in implementation of quality family-centred services in early childhood: an exploration of administrators’ perceptions, needs and realities. Early Child Development and Care, 190(6), 948-962.
Purola, K. & Kuusisto, A. (2021). Parental participation and connectedness through family social capital theory in the early childhood education community. Cogent education, 8(1), p.1923361.
Vadivelan, K., Sekar, P., Sruthi, S. S., & Gopichandran, V. (2020). Burden of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy: an intersectional analysis of gender, poverty, stigma, and public policy. BMC public health, 20, 1-8. DOI: