The purpose of this assignment is to develop deeper knowledge and understanding of how everyday objects, routines, and resources in the early childhood setting can be used to promote children’s learning and development across the key learning areas (Australian Curriculum- Foundation) with links to the EYLF and learning outcomes and NQS QA. It is also important that early childhood educators have a deep understanding of the role of children’s play in these learning environments to best promote children’s conceptual knowledge in key learning areas appropriate to the birth to five years. Assessment 2 requires you to analyse 2 early childhood education photos. You will analyse one (1) photo in relation to the Infant and Toddler age group, and one (1) photo in relation to the Pre-school age group. Your analysis of each photo will explain how the environment is used to support children’s learning and development. Relevant links to theory and key learning areas and the EYLF will be used in addition to justifying the pedagogical approaches and the role of the teacher to support children’s early learning and development.
There are six photos of environments in early childhood settings provided in the Assessment 2 folder. Choose two of the photos considering one for the Infant and Toddler age group, and one for the Pre- school age group. Then respond to the following for each (750 words for each photo):
1. Explain how each the environments in the photo can be used to promote children's learning and development. Use theoretical and unit reference sources to support your explanation.
2. Analyse the knowledge and understandings children can learn within each environment across two key learning areas [e.g., Physical Health & Well Being, Science, Maths, English (Literacy & Language), Creative Arts, Technologies, History] (Australian Curriculum - Foundation) with relevant links to the EYLF Learning Outcomes and NQS QA.
3. Explain and justify the pedagogical approach/es and roles the early childhood educator could take in each of the learning environments to promote children’s learning and development.
Use a minimum of 8 references to scholarly sources that substantially support your discussion, including reference to unit content, research literature, Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (DET,2022), National Quality Standards QA (ACECQA, 2018), and the Australian Curriculum (ACARA, 2022).
• Use APA 7 referencing throughout and double-lined spacing, Times Roman 12-point Font.
This assignment deals with the importance of early education through the exploration of two different photos, the first one made for the Infant and Toddler group and the second one made for the Preschool age group. By using thorough descriptions, it deals with the epochs displayed in each picture, reveals the relevant learning and development theories of each epoch based on the theories of child development, as well as, brings the awareness of knowledge and understanding that children can gain. Interestingly, it investigates educational strategies, and also, instructors' roles in attaining students' integrated growth in these environments. These data reinforce the idea of deliberate and playful learning as a key factor in guiding the development of children through the playful learning setting.
Photo 1: Infant and Toddler Age Group
The selected picture indicates a room that seems to be full of play with bright and colourful toys, which in my understanding, are for younger children. An array of musical instruments, such as a drum set, a guitar, as well as maracas are all present throughout the room. The instruments are flashily decorated and child-sized giving a hint that the toys are to be played by the kids. A soft rug is on the floor, where the site is also safe for toddlers after crawling or playing. Playrooms such as the one resembling the image can be wonderfully interactive places for kids of this age group (Alsubaie, 2022). Music and instruments become a source of stimulation for cognitive development and moving around the room - teaching them physical development lessons. According to the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, this image is a perfect setting for toddlers and newborns in that it is a place that allows them to practice trial & coordination and learn rhythm and movement (Williams et al., 2023).
One can look at the diversity of resources in the photo will convince even a layman that the playroom can offer babies and toddlers many things other than toys to play and learn with. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, infants in this age range are sensorimotorists who learn by interacting with the surrounding environment through touch and exploration (Kara et al., 2020). The beautiful and welcoming playroom awakens the senses of the children in their education stage, prompting them to explore and discover the world by giving them access to sensory experiences. Additionally, the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky is focused on the significance of social interaction and the role of collective learning in the learning process (Purwanti & Hatmanto, 2019). In this specific game room, children can participate in conventional games such as the sharing of toys and instruments with their playmates, which increases the child's social skills and helps in their language development. The room corresponds to both Piaget's and Vygotsky's theories of the child's development because of its research-based sensory stimulation and social interaction combination.
Following cues from these play areas, infants and toddlers carry out activities related to the Physical and Health well-being sector as well as the Communication and Language section. With the help of musical instruments and body movements, motor coordination and gross motor skills are upgraded as well as the students' spatial awareness is broadened. Establishing communication skills through soft carpet experience ensures a child develops sensory receptors and body awareness. Such discoveries tie in EYLF Outcome 3 and NQS QA Area 3.2.1 thus, ensuring every child is assured a safe and secure environment (ACECQA, 2012). Furthermore, such musical games and interactions enable kids to develop their feeling of language because they express themselves through sounds, gestures as well as words. The playroom provides a holistic platform for infants and toddlers to explore through their play and hence to develop their physical, social, and linguistic identities and to meet set standards of EYLF and NQS (ACECQA, 2012).
The playroom is a perfect example of an environment in which play as the mode of learning is highly efficient. By playing, children are forced to investigate, analyze, and come to a conclusion that makes sense to them. The teacher can assist in the learning process by organizing an environment that stimulates pioneering thinking, creative play and collaboration. The educator can now see what is exciting to the children, and through that, they can build on their learning by offering the resources, help, and challenges needed. Having in mind some examples, they can propose a variety of things like new musical instruments or joining social music activities for kids to better their understanding and creativity (Frid, 2019). The educator's role includes the engagement of the students during play, asking open-ended questions, and encouraging speech during playtime to improve language development and problem-solving.
Photo 2: Preschool Age Group
The selected picture for MBA assignment expert includes a sandbox where children amuse themselves with colourful toys. Till casting, a domain is good and sensory-using for preschoolers. The sand area is the place where the children can explore the notions of volume, textures, and weight. These are all the components that share with cognitive development. Besides stirring, digging, and shaping in the sand, these activities also are favourable to preschoolers’ hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Another positive impact of the sandbox is on children´s social and emotional development as they take turns with toys, cooperate during the construction of sandcastles and invent imaginary play with each other (Dale et al., 2022). Thus, the sandbox setting may be thought of as a place where children can acquire and test skills derived from their play activities.
The learning environment that supports preschoolers' learning and development in many ways is a combination of the sandbox and the environment. According to Erikson, the psychosocial theory pays a lot of attention to young children at the age of preschool, by forming individual volition and initiative (Kryshtanovych et al., 2022). In the sandpit, the children have a space in which they can explore independence and take action for how they manipulate the sand and how they affect the toys. Besides, Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences factually accounts that children have different talents and abilities for learning (Bhatti et al., 2020). The sandbox conforms to as much as different intelligences exist by allowing players to apply spatial reasoning, stimulate their senses and relate with others around them.
The sandbox development is used by preschoolers and can advance the mastery of knowledge and understanding of the main learning areas of science and social and emotional development. Exploring and testing these principles with sand or toys helps kids discover more about primary concepts like density, volume and gravitational force. They know the cause-and-effect relationships personified mow as sand pouring or building structures are depicted to understand the concept of science learning more. Equally, playing and thinking together within the sandbox develops their social skills like speaking properly, cooperating, and resolving conflicts, which eventually improves socially and mentally. These experiences align with EYLF Learning Outcome 4- Adults focus on creating an environment full of children's assurance to express opinions and participate (Cohrssen et al., 2023). Therefore, the NQS QA Areas 5.2.1 is key: each child's social and emotional well-being is important and each should be supported (ACECQA, 2012). As a result, the sandbox offers a complete learning setting where children can unleash their curiosity and craft important personal and emotional skills.
Sitting inside the sandbox environment, the play-based style of learning turns out to be a relevant methodology that assumes the children have a creative and exploratory flow of activities. The educator's job consists of the following: keeping an eye on the interactions and playful behaviours of the children, then registering when children discover new things and when they say they have achieved something which means the children's learning experiences are being scaffolded on purpose. Through careful reflection on children's behaviours as they play, educators will be able to acquire new information about their interests, developmental skill levels and further growth opportunities (Yu, 2023). Record-keeping of play activities enables teachers to see the different stages of the child's development and make further adjustments according to the needs of each child. While teaching is deliberate, it implies pointing kids in a certain direction, providing them answers to various questions, which lead to critical thinking, and creating opportunities for solving problems and cooperation. The teacher takes care of creating a safe and positive environment where social interactions are encouraged and there are no biases. He/she also models attitude and behaviour which should suit the image of the school.
Building up learning spaces that are full of resources and opportunities is one of the most important strategies for developing school-age children holistically. These spaces, as shown in the pictures, are a platform where children can engage in experience, discovery and knowledge through interactions. In order to encourage child cognitive development, educators have an essential role, by observing kids' interactions, correctly scaffolded experiences and adequately promoting positive social interactions.
Alsubaie, M. A. (2022). Factors affecting early literacy learning spaces of young children: The context of home literacy in Saudi Arabia. Education Sciences, 12(11), 791.
Bhatti, Z. I., Nijabat, A., Khan, A. A., Razaq, R., & Najam, K. (2020). APPLYING GARDNER’S MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES THEORY IN EFL CONTEXT. Epistemology, 7(1), 111-124.
Cohrssen, C., de Rosnay, M., Garvis, S., & Neilsen-Hewett, C. (2023, March). Assessing the quality of early childhood education and care in Australia: Challenges and opportunities. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 8, p. 1147669). Frontiers.
Dale, B. A., Rispoli, K., & Ruble, L. A. (2022). Social Emotional Learning in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 6(2), 12.
Frid, E. (2019). Accessible digital musical instruments—a review of musical interfaces in inclusive music practice. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 3(3), 57.
Kara, Ö. K., Ĺžahin, S., Kara, K., & Arslan, M. (2020). Neuromotor and sensory development in preterm infants: prospective study. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics/Türk Pediatri ArĹźivi, 55(1), 46.
Kryshtanovych, S., Bilyk, V., Matvienko, O., Stepanenko, L., & Tsvietkova, H. (2022). Influence of psychological conditions on the level of creative imagination. Creativity Studies, 15(2), 406-419.
Purwanti, E., & Hatmanto, E. D. (2019). Understanding EFL Teachers' Beliefs about Lesson Study and Their Knowledge Development Viewed from Social Cultural Theory of Vygotsky. English Language Teaching Educational Journal, 2(2), 50-61.
Williams, K. E., Bentley, L. A., Savage, S., Eager, R., & Nielson, C. (2023). Rhythm and movement delivered by teachers supports self-regulation skills of preschool-aged children in disadvantaged communities: A clustered RCT. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 65, 115-128.
Yu, H. (2023). Reflection on whether Chat GPT should be banned by academia from the perspective of education and teaching. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1181712.