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DSMG29002 Leadership in Energy and Disaster Management Report Sample

DSMG29002 Leadership in Energy and Disaster Management

Task Description

In assessment task one, you will explore the literature on a topic (see scenario below) related to leadership and emergency and disaster management. In particular, you will identify and consolidate literature sources (part 1) and analyse these sources (part 2) to further your understanding of leadership in the emergency and disaster management context. You must use the scenario below to undertake Part 2).

Using the Literature

Choose five peer-reviewed articles or papers that are most relevant to your leadership role in the SES, with a focus on differentiating between leadership styles and management approaches.

Write a short, annotated bibliography for each of the five selected pieces of literature. Follow the guidelines in the CQUniversity Annotated Bibliography Info Sheet provided by the Academic Learning Centre and accessible in the eReading List. Write a concise overview (500 words) discussing the implications of these five pieces of literature on your leadership role in the SES.

Explain (500 words) how leadership and management are interconnected in emergency and disaster management situations. Describe how the roles of leading and managing complement each other and are crucial in effectively handling emergencies and disasters.


Using the Literature

Annotated Bibliography

Shufutinsky, A., DePorres, D., Long, B., & Sibel, J. R. (2020). Shock Leadership Development for the Modern Era of Pandemic Management and Preparedness. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 13(1). DOI IJOI

The article was published in the year 2020. The authors of the article are Shufutinsky, DePorres, Long & Sibel. The authors have a little biases on the modern techniques to leadership development, specifically after the outbreak of Pandemic. The information covered the areas of leadership contribution in modern industry along with the significance of Pandemic management. It provided information related to crisis management for MBA assignment expert and development of leadership skills for preparedness to change. The information provided in the journal is related to shock leadership management which is useful in the purpose of development in quality within emergency and disaster management.

Kaul, V., Shah, V. H., & El-Serag, H. (2020). Leadership during crisis: lessons and applications from the COVID-19 pandemic. Gastroenterology, 159(3), 809-812.

The article was published in the year of 2020. The authors of the journal are Kaul, Shah & El-Serag. The authors have contributed low biases on the subject of Leadership applications during the times of crises by considering a major case of COVID-19 Pandemic. The contents of the source covers areas of core leadership principles, Management of Tripartite Mission in times of crisis and information related to crisis breed opportunity. As the journal provides crucial information to leadership skills with consideration of real life crisis examples of COVID-19, it helped to enhance the knowledge regarding Leadership management and disaster management with a case study of recent pandemic situations.

Grint, K. (2020). Leadership, management and command in the time of the Coronavirus. Leadership, 16(3), 314-319.
The article was published by the author Grint in the year of 2020. The author in the article provided minuscule biases towards the commencement of CoronaVirus and the problems it created in the management sector of leadership. The article covers the areas of Leadership and management during the era of COVID-19 and similar events in the historical times. It also offered information of democratic leadership with a viewpoint of collaborative management and culture. The article was highly relevant to the given scenario of leadership development in emergency and disaster management as it contributed to experience of nation wide leadership approaches and the mitigating strategies of leadership and disaster management used in times of crisis.

Haupt, B. (2021). The use of crisis communication strategies in emergency management. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 18(2), 125-150.

The journal was published by De Gruyter on 22nd of February, 2021. The objective of the journal offered biases towards the utilization of Communication strategies in emergency management. The journal highlights the significance of crisis communication in emergency and unpredictable situations of risk. It also provides information about emergency management practices in industry along with strategies of crisis communication development. The contribution of contents with the purpose of crisis communication and development of methods in situations of emergency were relevant to the scenario of leadership development in emergency and disaster management which is why the journal is being selected.

Canton, L. G. (2013). Disaster Planning and Management: Does One Leadership Style Work for Both?. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(3), 47-50. DOI:10.1002/jls.21297
The journal was published in the year of 2013 by the author, Canton. The journal provided a little biased ness towards utilization of leadership style in disaster planning and principles in emergency management. The journal evaluated areas of disaster planning and management with the utilization of directive leadership strategies. Further, the journal also provided information towards the objectives of leadership development in cases of disaster planning. The journal offers information regarding disaster planning and functionality of core management by objectives which provide adequate information in disaster management and emergency planning. Further, it enhanced the knowledge of implementing directive leadership during disaster scenarios.

Implications of these five pieces of literature on your leadership role in the SES

As per the views of Shufutinsky, DePorres, Long, & Sibel (2020), it can be said that the article provided significance to the role of leadership in emergency management with a consideration of the changing dynamics of the industrial world. It has provided implications of leadership and disaster management specifically after the outbreak of recent pandemic times which contributed the management industry with the viewpoint of preparedness towards crisis and development of leadership skills in such situations.

According to the views of Kaul, Shah & El-Serag (2020) Leadership applications have provided a significant influence during the times of crisis considering a major case of COVID-19 in recent years. It has offered implications of core leadership principles which can provide effective motivating factors and accurate decision making. These were the focus points of the articles in consideration of real world crisis examples and the way leadership development enhanced the situation of pandemic. Further, the authors discussed the Tripartite Mission playing a crucial role in crisis management.

Based upon the views of Grint (2020) it can be said that the commencement of crisis periods like COVID-19 had provided numerous issues in the management sector. Therefore, the author emphasizes the importance of leadership management in cases of unpredictable scenarios. The article also provides historical examples of crisis management and offers implications of democratic leadership in historical times. The viewpoint of democratic leadership provided enhancement in situations with collaborative approach towards disaster management which contributed a nation wide experience to the approaches of leadership and disaster management in times of crisis.

As per the views of De Gruyter (2021), it has been found that the utilization of crisis communication has been an integral component towards the approach of emergency management. It highlishes the significance of communication styles and differences in patterns when a situation of risk arises, Therefore, the implication towards the approach crisis communication provided accurate and selective strategies in unwanted situations of risk. Furthermore, the emergency management practices provided information related to the development of mitigating strategies in crisis communication that can be helpful in leadership management in emergency and purpose of handling disasters.

Based upon the views of Canton (2013) it can be said that the utilization of a distinctive leadership style provides different implications in the disaster management and planning procedures. Therefore, the evaluation and identification of crises is necessary before implementation of different leadership roles. Further, the journal evaluates the utilization of directive leadership strategies in emergency management.

Explaining how leadership and management are interconnected in emergency and disaster management situations.

As per the views of Crosweller (2022) In emergency management, competent leadership is necessary to represent the circumstances of disaster reaction. The role of leadership provides accuracy in decision making approaches and motivation which is a major component in the times of disaster. At the same time, the management sector in a company commonly referred to as the sector which handles situations of emergency is a distinctive field of duties and responsibilities that are necessarily similar with the objectives and customized approach of leadership. Therefore, the utilization of leadership as well as emergency management is highly required in handling duster related situations or risks.

Consequently, A crisis can arise quickly because the circumstances surrounding any given situation are always changing. Therefore, development in the theories of leadership and management is required to improve strategies in mitigating the crisis or disaster. As the identification of disaster can be complex and therefore, both leadership and management can help in distribution of responsibilities during high risk factors. For instance, in the period of COVID-19 considered as a crisis time, the role of leadership helped to provide motivation to the individuals in companies along with accurate handling of administrative factors of business managed by the emergency management sector of the company.

Describe how the roles of leading and managing complement each other and are crucial in effectively handling emergencies and disasters.

According to Andreassen, Borch & Sydnes (2020) the role of leaders in a company is responsible in offering distinctive advice of policies in times of crisis along with making crucial and beneficiary decisions in fulfillment of stakeholders to remove vulnerability and future potential of handling losses. It also further provides strategies and solutions to mitigate challenges regarding changes in dynamics of risks in the market and hazards. On the other hand, the role of management can be highly complementary to the principles of core leadership. The role of management or emergency management in the citation of crisis offers safeguarding both individuals and assets by gathering the necessary resources and adequate response to emergency situations of hazards. Therefore, it can be said that the roles of Leadership and Management complement each other but both are required in the effective handling of situations of crisis. With effective management strategies and accessible administrative resources, the consequences of the situations of disaster can be minimized whereas the presence of leadership styles can ensure precise implementation of decisions according to the level of identified crisis.

Reference List

Andreassen, N., Borch, O. J., & Sydnes, A. K. (2020). Information sharing and emergency response coordination. Safety Science, 130, 104895. DOI:

Canton, L. G. (2013). Disaster Planning and Management: Does One Leadership Style Work for Both?. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(3), 47-50. DOI:10.1002/jls.21297

Crosweller, M. (2022). Disaster management and the need for a relational leadership framework founded upon compassion, care, and justice. Climate Risk Management, 35, 100404. DOI:

Grint, K. (2020). Leadership, management and command in the time of the Coronavirus. Leadership, 16(3), 314-319.

Haupt, B. (2021). The use of crisis communication strategies in emergency management. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 18(2), 125-150.

Kaul, V., Shah, V. H., & El-Serag, H. (2020). Leadership during crisis: lessons and applications from the COVID-19 pandemic. Gastroenterology, 159(3), 809-812.

Shufutinsky, A., DePorres, D., Long, B., & Sibel, J. R. (2020). Shock Leadership Development for the Modern Era of Pandemic Management and Preparedness. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 13(1). DOI IJOI

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