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Business Research Proposal Assignment Sample

 This Research Proposal should BE A MAXIMUM OF 2,000 WORDS in length (if you write 2,001 words or more you will lose marks).  1. The word count required for this assignment does NOT include your reference list.  The word count starts from the first word of your literature review until the last word of the ethical issues section.  2. Please use the template in the following section when writing your research proposal.&nb


U24035 Customer Relationship Management Assignment Sample

Assessment Aim The role of assignment submission is to engage students for browsing the extant and modern literature readings, which revolves around subject developments in the recent era. It also refines students’ ability to understand the key issues related to subject; demonstrate the understanding of high-level of appropriate concepts, and comprehensive and critical analysis of central issues in the curren


MBA622 Comprehensive Healthcare Strategies Presentation Sample

MBA622 Comprehensive Healthcare Strategies Your Task Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute webinar that explores the impact of a single environmental (one) factor on the current and future strategies and operations of an organisation delivering services within the industry segment chosen for Assessment 1.


MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Assignment Sample

MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Context Doing business in another country will require an Australian company to ensure it complies with any relevant domestic laws in place in that country. In some cases, it may be difficult, to determine what the applicable law is i.e. a conflict a law may arise. It will be neces


MBA602 Small Business Administration Assignment Sample

MBA602 Small Business Administration Your task Individually, you are required to record a 10-minute video in which you are to reflect on whether you are more of a small businessperson or an entrepreneur considering your skill sets and your passions. You are then to research a small business owner you admire and analyse his/her significant business decisions in t


MGT502 Business Communication Assignment 3 Sample

MGT502 Business Communication Assignment-3 Assessment Task Prepare a 5-minute presentation identifying aspects of a topic given to you by the Learning Facilitator. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task. Context In this subject, the you hav


MBA5003 Assignment 1 CMR Sample

MBA 5003 Ass 1 CMR MBA 5003 Assignment One – Weeks 2 to 5 short question submission. Week 5 – to be submitted by 6PM Monday 31st October. You still work in operations management of a business which manufactures casual wear in Malaysia for people working from home. This is primarily sold on line and direct to staff c


OPS928 Logistics Systems Assignment Sample

OPS928 Logistics Systems Assignment Assignment Details This assessment task contains 2 sections. All sections must be completed.When answering questions, remember to define key terms and use examples where appropriate. You may use illustrations to help support your answer. It is important to demonstrate understanding and application of the relevant terms and concepts, and references are not expected. Section A: Case-Based Short Answer


MME80001 Resource Planning and Management Assignment 4 Sample

MME80001 RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Assignment 4 Question 1 Assume that you are responsible for planning and managing resources in a large organisation in a project-based industry. You are required to prepare basic guidelines for: (a) Equipment Control Matrix (ECM) and Equipment Management Process Maturity Model (EMPM) for a set of key equipment; (b) Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) and obsolescence pre


BUS101 Business Communication Assignment Sample

BUS101 Business Communication Assignment Details This assignment aims to explore academic integrity in education and provide a concise statement on the topic backed byrecent and relevant research. Instructions to Students This assessment must be completed by each student. Each student will produce appropriate written (email) and visual (flyer) texts focus


MBIS5012 Strategic Information Systems Assignment Sample

MBIS5012 Strategic Information Systems In this assessment, you will work individually. The topics for this assessment will be covered in the previous weeks: therefore, it is vital that you attend this class. You are encouraged to attend a workshop on Referencing and Research What are the functionalities of CRM? What are the famous CRM tools?