The selection of the journal article is the most important aspect of this exercise. Of course, you should select an article that is of interest to you and is connected with your particular field of science. However, it must also give you scope for discussion within the context of the subject matter presented in this course, Understanding Data and Statistical Design. That is, you should look for an article that provides plenty of scope for scrutiny from the perspective of experiment design and from the perspective of statistical analysis. One way to ensure your selected article does provide this opportunity is to look for some key words. Look for an article that explicitly mentions some of the topics we discuss, for example:
• factors, levels, treatments, blocks etc.
• randomisation, replication etc.
• t-test, ANOVA, F-test, linear regression, logistic regression, non-parametric tests etc.
Although not compulsory, you are encouraged to send your selected journal article to me ( prior to the start of writing; I can have a quick look over your article and advise you if it is appropriate to the task or if you would be better served by looking for an alternative. Of those who did request me look over their article last semester about half were advised to find another. With an assessment weighting of 30%, this is a substantial assignment requiring a substantial report. A substantial report requires the author to have plenty to write about, underlining the need to select an article well-suited to the task.
Your reports will be marked from twenty, with the following general marking scheme:
• Appropriate article (5 marks). Not only is this important to the assessment task, but this will also demonstrate your fluency with the theoretical content of this course and your ability to detect situations where this content is relevant and can be applied.
• Research aims and suitability of experiment design employed (5 marks). Not all experiment designs are suited to every piece of research, although for many experimental situations multiple designs can be considered. Your task is to not only assess suitability, but to consider whether alternative designs may have allowed stronger conclusions to be drawn from the research.
• Statistical methodology (5 marks). Different statistical tools are used for different experiment designs. Your task is to determine whether the tools applied in the research have been appropriate to the situation or whether alternatives could or should have been employed. Where parametric tests have been used, determine whether the assumptions on which they are built have been properly addressed in the journal article.
• Quality and structure of report (5 marks). Put yourself in the position of an employee in industry or research when writing this report. Your boss would be looking for a well-formatted and structured report, one where it is easy to extract information and analysis from. Make sure you report is sectioned properly; at a minimum you will include an introduction, experiment design, statistical analysis and conclusion sections.
The present research has been undertaken to conduct the proposed negative relationship between the two elements namely the narcissism of leaders and emotions (positive), that is, benign envy which is supported only in parts. The findings of the research advance understanding of envy and its impact on organizational operations due to such a form of leadership. The present study outlines various studies where the sample size is found to be Fifty. On the other hand, there are found two distinctive studies where the sample size is found to be on the higher side. The relations are being tested in a manner where there are three different sets of variables and are being targeted by superiors.
The experimental design for MBA assignment expert that has been conducted is based on three stages. The first stage consists of descriptive and correlational analysis. Additionally, the second stage is mainly determined with context to the analysis of the model structure. This has been determined with the help of secondary data analysis methods. Moreover, from the various statistical studies, the different variables have been well reviewed in this context of the study. The Laavan package has also been the major determining factor in this context of the study. The Final stage consists of different hypotheses of relations. Data has been collected based on the field survey of more than 350 employees from the various German based organisations. Apart from that, a casual relation was tested between the variables of malicious/benign envy and narcissism in a controlled set up of the experiment. There were 31 men and forty three women who previously were hired at an university in Germany. This was assigned on a random basis to the two different aspect of the research such as narcissism which may have low and high parametersin the particular experiment between the subject designs.There were no real correlation of the different variables of control such as the sex, semester of the study, work experience with the dependant and independent variables. The descriptive statistical measures have well being analysed herein.
212 men and 150 women (3missing) between the age group of 17 and 64 years have been considered in the study. It has been found that the participants in the sample had work experiences in the range between 1 and 48. The sample size also consists of the ones working with their current supervisors who fall between the age group of 1 and 35. The participants working in the sector of manufacturing are worth 45.8%, the retail industry worth 14.8%, the administration department worth 12.9%, services worth 9.3%, social, education and health department worth 6.3% research and science worth 2.2%, other sectors worth 8.2% along with 5% of the sample falling in the missing category. The completion of the survey took place within the time frame of 10 to 15 minutes. The parametric studies of t test have well been identified in this context.
The dichotomous scale where 1 is considered narcissistic and 0 is considered non-narcissistic with the sum score has been utilised for leader narcissism measurement. Additionally, a two-tailed test has also been taken for the present research. The application of SPSS analysis is also determined here and is considered as an alternative here.
The measurement has been conducted on the narcissism of leadership with a 15-item along with a Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) has mainly been used with the intention of a dichotomous forced choice format has been conducted where 1 is narcissistic and 0 is non-narcissistic. Thus, it is evident from the 15 pair statements, that the leaders have selected the statements which best describe the leaders, from which, the scores have been computed. It has also been measured that the malicious envy where a=.98 and benign envy a=.78 has been selected for eight items each. The participants of the research were asked to recall a situation in which the participants will achieve in the long term. The results of the research have revealed that the superiors have secured a higher score. From the research article, it is evident that participants indicated the various ratings that are done on the Likert Scale. Participants with high narcissism conditions reported higher intention for engaging in supervisor-targeted CBW than the participants with low narcissism conditions.
For the result section, three distinctive tests that are conducted for multivariate normality have been computed in the MVN package. This entails Mardia’s statistical test which is based on the multi-variants namely, skew and Kurtosis, the Henze-Zirkler’s test which is based on the Mahalanobis distances along with Royston’s test based on the Sharipo-Wilk and Shapiro-Francia statistic. All the results indicated the prevalence of violations of the distributional assumptions which is based on multivariate normality where both skews are estimated. The statistical analysis has well been computed in this aspect. The MVN package of statistical analysis have well been analysed herein with the help of different set of statistical variables. The project encompassing structures have been well evaluated in the study and the outcomes are well explained with the help of different formula. The Multivariate analysis of Variance was mainly determined for the purpose of empirical findings or relatedness of the various dependant variables that is benign envy, malicious and other significant impacts. Therefore, it clearly seems that there is proper validity and reliability of the data in the experiment that was conducted in this context of this study.
As per the researcher’s first hypothesis prediction, the perceived leader narcissism has been related positively. In accordance with the second hypothesis, the perceived narcissism of leaders is significantly negatively related to the followers’ benign envy. In this case, a negative impact is determined as the result of the research. Participants of the researchers who have a condition of high-level narcissism reported lower levels of benign envy than the participants that fall in the category of low-level narcissism condition. Therefore, the researcher’s second hypothesis prediction has been selected. Therefore, the assumption that is determined is that leader narcissism mainly positively predicts the malicious envy.
Therefore, it can be stated that all the hypothesis of the research has been supported thus far. The third hypothesis predictions of the researcher have encapsulated that the malicious envy of the followers usually determines the positive relationship that mainly exists between the process leader narcissism and the variables of supervisors –targeted CWB. In this case, it has been found that the data has not supported the predictions of the researcher’s second hypothesis and only supported the first and third hypotheses.
Therefore the above analysis has provided additional evidence on additional insights regarding the negative aspects within the relationships that are existing among the follower and the leader and is determined through the various element of malicious envy based on the advanced designs. The assessment regarding the narcissism of leaders with a self-rating system via NPI has been seen narcissistic personality of leaders in the long run. Leaders who are narcissists in nature are most likely to face the various experiences of supervising the various implications of CWB. In the previous instances, there were issues regarding the biases of different aspects. Moreover, the use of SPSS or the statistical tool of data can be analysed here.
Primary article
Braun, S., Aydin, N., Frey, D., & Peus, C. (2018). Leader narcissism predicts malicious envy and supervisor-targeted counterproductive work behavior: Evidence from field and experimental research. Journal of business ethics, 151, 725-741.
Supporting evidences
Brender-Ilan, Y., & Sheaffer, Z. (2019). How do self-efficacy, narcissism and autonomy mediate the link between destructive leadership and counterproductive work behaviour. Asia Pacific Management Review, 24(3), 212-222.
Ellen, B. P., Kiewitz, C., Garcia, P. R. J. M., & Hochwarter, W. A. (2019). Dealing with the full-of-self-boss: Interactive effects of supervisor narcissism and subordinate resource management ability on work outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 157, 847-864.
Erkutlu, H. V., & Chafra, J. (2017). Leader narcissism and subordinate embeddedness: The moderating roles of moral attentiveness and behavioral integrity. EuroMed Journal of Business.