CAS101 Community Development Essay 1
This assessment is designed to help you develop foundational knowledge of community development.
The key purpose of Community Development is to build strong communities based on equality, justice and mutual respect by enabling ordinary people to take part in working to address the issues that affect their lives and bring about positive change for their community.
You must draw on the readings from the first few weeks and you are required to discuss:
- What is community development?
- Why is community development and community participation important?
- What is the role of Community Development workers in the process?
Also: Choose and research one (1) of the principles of community development from the list below:
- Provide an outline of your chosen principle.
- Find a community development project that applies that principle. A project is not a strategy, framework or policy such as 'Close the Gap'. Look for a small local muninnt in a namm.nity. it non ha amhara in tha
Also: Choose and research one (1) of the principles of community development from the list below:
- Provide an outline of your chosen principle.
- Find a community development project that applies that principle. A project is not a strategy, framework or policy such as 'Close the Gap'. Look for a small local project in a community, it can be anywhere in the world.
- Outline the project simply and describe how your chosen principle is demonstrated in the project.
For example; describe how people are empowered or how they are able to self determine through this project.
Principles to choose from:
o Capacity building
o Self-determination
o Social justice
o Empowerment
o Collective action
If you wish to choose a principle that is not on the list, please speak with your lecturer or tutor.
This assessment is designed to help you develop foundational knowledge of community development.
Community development initially aims at the potential growth or development of human living quality involving communities. By practising community development, it is possible to promote diversity and equality within a social context. The role of the self-determination principle in community development is to be evaluated and briefly encountered
Intentionally community development is linked with the empowerment of community members. With more empowerment among the members of every community, it is possible to closely connect communities and make them stronger. The members of local communities in different countries can participate in the development process at any developing stage (Carey et al., 2016). Every individual community member makes an important contribution to making a developmental process entirely successful. This individual procedure can be considered as a well-planned effort that significantly enhances residential capacity to upgrade living quality for the members involved in local communities.
Primarily community development for MBA Assignment Expert is essential in knitting people together for meeting an individual and common goal that helps in enhancing community living quality. Community development potentially identifies all the economic and social disputes within communities and finds a resolution towards them. Community developmental activities help in providing an individual foundation for enhancing the living quality of the citizens involved in local communities (Aman et al., 2022). Contemplation of community development enhances the ability and knowledge among communal residents to promote economic mobility and meet communities’ needs.
Workers involved in the activities of community development are effective for every individual community member and an entire community in shifting towards social changes and improving human living conditions and quality. “Community development workers” play a major role in connecting a range of voluntary sectors, local authorities and communities. Community employees offer adequate emotional guidance, counselling and support for every community family rather than every individual member of the local community (Colvin et al., 2021). Guidance of community workers helps in discovering various ways to support community members. A community worker is a guide who helps in easily bridging communities and their requirements. Community workers provide enough opportunities and resources to all community members to enhance living quality and build a strong community.
Self-determination is a core competence that enables people in obtaining the right to accurately shaping their lives. Self-determination makes human beings capable of leading their lives following their own principles and moral values. Schenell et al., (2020) have evaluated that self-determination is a fundamental human right that allows people in having enough freedom in living their lives according to their own choices. According to modern international regulation and law, the basic right of the people is self-determination, which is a major principle in making local communities stronger. Shrinkhal, (2021), has critically analysed that self-determination indicates the legal authorisation that empowers human beings to decide their living ways as well as destiny. The principle of self-determination has been recognised to have a close connection with the process of community development. The theory of self-determination includes the suggestion of providing three basic human needs such as relatedness, autonomy and competence.
Competence, autonomy and relatedness are the basic requirements for development and growth in human lives. According to Moore et al., (2020), the “self-determination theory (SDT)” is entirely connected with community development as it supports the improvement and growth of human lives. Self-determination can be considered as a concept that involves people having the authorisation of selecting and establishing their individual goals in their lives. Obtaining the principle of self-determination people achieve the strong power for making decisions along with self-advocation for successfully meeting their own goals. Jones et al., (2021) have investigated and evaluated the fact that self-determination is not only about self-control but also about taking adequate actions in life to meet every individual requirement or need. The self-determination principle provides a contribution to achieving positive outcomes such as community living, education, and employment that lead to the quality improvement of human lives.
“The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD)” is a well-known national organisation that operates all over 56 different Councils across the US and the territories associated with the country. NACDD potentially arranges a project on the “Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month & Disability Day of Mourning (DDAM)” in March of every year. It is a popular community developmental project that is usually arranged in the US by involving people with disabilities from all over the world (, 2024). This community development project of NACDD includes the promotion of inclusion, integration and self-determination. Arranging this project, NACDD has decided to highlight how people without disabilities and people with some disabilities can work together to build strong communities. Arranging the DDAM project in the US, NACDD promotes awareness about peoples’ contributions with developmental disabilities and inclusion. This project successfully enables disabled people to overcome barriers and work with people with no disabilities.
The DDAM project of NACDD includes the provision of shared materials, resources and news both to people with disabilities and those with no disabilities. The provision of enough opportunities for disabled people offers self-determination power to support their way of living according to their own intentions and values. The allocation of similar resources, news and materials makes disabled people similarly empowered to follow the principle of self-determination (, 2024). The main purpose of this project is to build a strong community that is more involved and committed towards the creation of a world that allows well-being and success to all community members in a similar way. This self-determination principle of the DDAM project has successfully supported community development through the allowance of dialogue and opportunities out of the community of disabled people. Therefore, the arrangement of the DDAM project by NACDD is a primary example of the community development project including the self-determination principle in the US.
Self-determination is significantly essential as this principle allows people to have adequate freedom and the right to go through an improved living quality. Enough freedom in living lives empowers community members to build strong communities with the provision of similar opportunities. Therefore, the principle of self-determination is vital in the process of community development.
Aman, J., Abbas, J., Shi, G., Ain, N. U., & Gu, L. (2022). Community wellbeing under China-Pakistan economic corridor: role of social, economic, cultural, and educational factors in improving residents’ quality of life. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 816592.
Carey, L.,Hennequin, C.,Krikheli, L.,O’Brien, A.,Sanchez, E.&Marsden, C. (2016). Rural Health and Spiritual Care Development: A Review of Programs across Rural Victoria, Australia. Journal of Religion and Health, 2016, Vol.55(3), pp.928-940.
Colvin, C. J., Hodgins, S., & Perry, H. B. (2021). Community health workers at the dawn of a new era: 8. Incentives and remuneration. Health Research Policy and Systems, 19(3), 1-25.
Jones, D., Feigenbaum, P., & Jones, D. F. (2021). Motivation (constructs) made simpler: Adapting self-determination theory for community-based youth development programs. Journal of Youth Development, 16(1), 7-28.
Moore, M. E., Vega, D. M., Wiens, K. M., & Caporale, N. (2020). Connecting theory to practice: using self-determination theory to better understand inclusion in STEM. Journal of microbiology & biology education, 21(1), 10-1128. (2024). The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities, Retrieved from: [Retrieved on 04.03.2024]
Schenell, R., Ozanne, A., Strang, S., & Henoch, I. (2020). To make and execute decisions throughout life: A person-centred model that facilitates self-determination in residential care, developed through participatory research. Applied Nursing Research, 55, 151318.
Shrinkhal, R. (2021). “Indigenous sovereignty” and right to self-determination in international law: a critical appraisal. AlterNative: an international journal of indigenous peoples, 17(1), 71-82.