MGT602 Business Decision Analytics Context: Workplaces today are changing rapidly in parallel with rapid advances in technology and means of communication with teams separated by distance and time. We need to take into Account not only time and space, but other elements of diversity to collaborate effectively for organisational outcomes. In such complex environm
MGT604 Managing in the Global Context Research Report Assessment Instructions To develop effective research skills in academia, it is vital that we understand how to summarise and paraphrase the work of other scholars and demonstrate an ability to draw out their main ideas and cite them accurately. The aim of this assessment is
MGT611/MGMT6015 International Business Strategy Context: This assessment focuses on the evaluation of opportunities and challenges for an ASX listed Australian businesses that intends to expand their business in a select emerging market. Your role is to advise the senior management team of your chosen organisation about potential opportunities and challeng
MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts Context The focus of this subject is business law in an international context. Doing business internationally will mean exposure to a range of legal systems that are different from the Australian legal system. Parliamentary and courts structure will vary depending on what country business is being transacted with. T
MN7000 Leading and Developing People Assignment Details This assessment encourages students to carry out independent applied research into a specified topic, theory or issue related to Leadership and Business organisations in the UK or around the world using a literature review and secondary research. The choice of topic should be applied to a specific organisation (or firm). The organisation should be real